HiDDen InViSible illuSiOn Sweden has 6 attack(s) on you (In 2 hours). You have 143 attack(s) on HiDDen InViSible illuSiOn Sweden (In 11 days). How does this work ? It has sone this twice ( RESET ) and he has been attacking me ?I have been ambushing. Thw LAST time he attacked from 1 all the way PAST me up to 141, NOW it reset again ?
if you punch them or list them or just keep attacking them,and they dont hit you in anyway,your attack count stays. unless punches arent suppose to keep the timer going(but it does)
I don't know about that, it reset the 2nd time in his favor and he was attacking me yesterday so that's 2 times in 11 days... The last time it looked this way he attaacked me from 1....141 times then passed me.... He last attacked me at 1:30 a.m. TODAY so that theory may be OUT