[LCN] Hitlist pricing has major issues

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Stephen Wilcoxon, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    VC and PC are set up this way, so I'd assume it's same on LCN.
  2. Orez

    Orez Active Member

    I though pricing was based on city income and that you could only lose half a level?
  3. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    It's likely my shoddy maths to blame for the confusion.
  4. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    @Marc14 : good idea Marc, to be sure, punch the whole top10 :p
    Marc14 likes this.
  5. SefuLaBani

    SefuLaBani Member

    I punch them everyday -_-
    Marc14 likes this.
  6. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    You're crazy.
  7. SefuLaBani

    SefuLaBani Member

    @Blue Nose Crazy is my middle name :p . But now seriously, this is the only way to get good punches. 2 days ago i've made 2110 on Mirana, and whit my actual health, 2112 it's my max.
  8. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    Yups, but with the 4-day calendar it didn't work, I still managed to level up :) Now the calendar is gone I'm gonna try again.
  9. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    My health is pretty awful for my level (3350) so I can punch midgets for my achievements :D

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    These games are not designed to help high levels either.

    1. A high level gets 2-3 levels for 5000 attacks using 8,333 stamina attacking another high level as a leveling partner.
    2. A high level gets crap experience attacking lower levels.
    3. A high level can spend 20-30 fps on refills to get one level in RAIDS while a lower level can go from 500 to 3500 on a weekend if they want to invest and go all out on RAIDS. Last time I spent $300 on RAIDS I got 77 levels.
    4. A high level cannot attack a lower level without being attacked first and once a high level kills that lower level either by a pk, fight kill, or list, that window closes for attacks until attacked again by the lower level.
    5. Lower levels have access to items to purchase that are equal to items that higher levels get. Higher levels have no advantage in purchased items and if anything, most often higher levels have played longer and invested in items that are now crap compared to the items available now.

    Those examples demonstrate that higher levels are actually designed to become more and more difficult to advance in levels and protect the lower levels from higher levels. It would actually be possible for a lower level to almost match the strength of a high level. Assuming both a lower level and higher level purchased ALL limited items and maxed out for both attack and defense items in all three areas, weapons, armor, and vehicle.... the only difference would be determined by skill allocation. All job drops and bosses would become obsolete in effect. That is why so many low level spenders are beating higher level players who have played forever but may not be big spenders.

    And as far as higher levels competing against lower level players. The only thing a higher level can do to a lower level is chain list them. But the cost continues to go up every time (until bounty resets) and the experience lost decreases.

    And to the original poster on this thread - I play Kong almost 100% but I do go back to FB once in awhile and I die all the time there as my mobster is so weak it is not even funny.... I sign on dead, heal, and before I sign off again, I am usually dead again. But just by doing world bosses, using my stamina on regular bosses, and using energy maybe 3-4 times a month, I still level. So if you are a daily player, you should have no problem being able to level. Let that other player list you 100x. As soon as they list you and you die, heal again. Eventually you won't lose any more experience and they will either go broke or stop long enough for your bounty to reset. Then during that "break" get some leveling done. And maybe rig them a few times. After enough times of listing you, rigging will be pretty cheap. Don't let them control your game. If you don't let it bother you, you will find that it might be something you enjoy as you know they are spending all this time and energy trying to upset you and they are failing.
    Nadezda likes this.
  11. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    this game is designed to earn money people ;) simple as that
  12. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    Thanksfully it is made to earn money! we can't criticize that :)
  13. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    It's more than half a level ... -69690 / 131305 ... half a level it should have stopped at -65653
    A little bit more punching to try 2/3 now.
  14. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    How did you manage to die so many times without earning XP after!?! Inactive?

    Either Inactive or a big target ??? :p
  15. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    Just punching big players and enemies, so both inactive for a while and big target :)
  16. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    It ain't 2/3 (-87536) either ... -90612 / 131305
  17. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    Here it stopped, exactly 3/4 of a level ... -98479 / 131305
    Feed still says I'm losing XP (You were killed by ... and lost -3,940 XP.) but it stays at -98479
  18. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    rig them, they will loose xp as much as you do, even more

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I have noticed that most players won't hitlist me. And although there are a couple who will, after one or two a day, I don't get listed. (I think the only one who does hitlist me every couple of days uses a bot to list me with one account and catches me every time with an alt. But everyone on Kong LCN knows who that is.)

    I know it would take work and programming changes but I would like to see the hitlist pricing changed on how it goes up. Instead of going up for everyone, I would think it would be more productive if it went up based on the individual and how many times they listed you and not how many time everyone has listed you. Players already have sort of a built in protection by losing only so much experience before they stop losing exp. So a great strategy would be to piss everyone off and get listed 10-15 times, lose all the exp you can lose and raise that bounty high enough that people really stop listing you. Then start chaining everyone who listed you and anyone on your rivals who cannot beat you. Gain all the experience back plus some. LOL It is exactly what some players do on Kong LCN. If Kano is going to make the bounty go up so high that it is tough to keep listing, then the experience should keep being lost as well until a player is at least a couple levels in the hole. That is just my opinion. Not to mention the fact that you can make up the experience from being killed each time with just a few challenge assists.
    Orez likes this.
  20. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    Nah, it was just a test to see how far minus it could go. Can't blame them for listing me after all those punches :)
    Meanwhile I allready managed to regain all lost XP and level up ...
    Level Up
    The Godfather is pleased with your achievement of reaching a new Level

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