why don't the raid postings have a colored indicator like the other postings do in chat (for bosses, jobs, recruiting, etc.)?
what best for business is having them this way raids right after BA, what best for players is having them separately.
and Key rate is fine idk it always worked for me and cost about 3000-4000 sometimes a bit more, but thats ok as I have received bonus keys lol
try middle jobs, they gives me the best drop rate, I try doing last job but if it takes more than 500 energy I'll move to a lesser job specially in Dubai. you'll find that way is very easier to get keys, sometimes you get bonus lol 20-40 energy for 1 key, i believe thats luck lol
Yeah just looked there is no colored box before the raid link, but it actually does differentiate the raid just by not having one lol
Yes on FB that is what it looks like but not on KONG, that player is talking about Kong, the one who asked the question.
Ok so finanly managed to get all 4 keys on Kong, which translates to around 9000 energy spent since Thursday. I don't know how you can say there is not anything wrong with the drop rates for keys on Kong when it is pretty clearly demostrated across 2 different Raids by myself now where I've spent around 16K energy to get 8 keys. I suggested earlier on this thread that the devs should grab a game & se for themselves which clearly hasn't happened as of yet either!
No FPs saved up this time so I wont be opening a RAID. Instead I have joined just three and done a chunk of damage. No appetite for it this time around.
It definitely should, I'll get it looked into. I get the Keys for every Raid every time. Sometimes it takes me more Energy, sometimes it takes me less. It's completely random, so I'm not saying that you aren't seeing a high Energy count to collect keys, but I am saying that it is not guaranteed to be the same amount or less than you spent last time.
I confirm, totaly random. Once, with one energy boost i got all the keys. Once, i needed 3 energy boosts
Well, last time around I decided not to open my own boss and just joined a bunch of others. This time I thought it was time to share one of my own, well, at least that is what I thought i would do. I have so far put in 6000 energy and I only have two keys. That is a really, really poor percentage drop rate. Now I know that is is random but this really does put me off. I could have joined a couple and got the xp and rewards for what i have spent trying to open my own. I think that Kano needs to tweak it a bit!
I opened three bosses in one of the games snd one took so much energy i almost gave up but no game is gonna get the better of me