[LCN] New gift/gifts

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by AXXO, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    So we had the same old gifts for long time now. We know for experienced and higher level players sometimes gifts are useless. but for new players who are playing for the first time have a benefit of using gifts. we have Sewer Alligator and Nitroglycerin bomb A28 D28. so I gift them to new players. how about giving them a new vehicle or armor which carried A30 D30 or A29 D30 or both items as gifts? this would encourage new players and they will learn it. this came up on my mind when a new player asked on WC about how to use weapons. I also think KANO should give them a demo or instruction how to add- and get items filled up fast. then more players will enjoy the game than giving up after few levels.

    this is what I get when I add a new player most of the time, looks like FAQ. I have not mentioned his gaming name. screen shot can be given upon request ;)

    [FTD] XXXXXXXX - 16 hours ago

    Hey was up thanks for the add ..wanted to ask if I have 1000 mob n hired guns n buy the same amount of weapons do u use them all as well?
  2. Michael Wheet

    Michael Wheet Active Member

    There are numeruos gifts as it is and many new players get confused from the variety. Questions like "What gift is good for crafting?" or "What should I put in my wish list?" are often seen in chat. Confusing new players with even more choices may have a discouraging effect. Many long-time players have the opinion that the new players have enough "perks" as it is.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Considering when long time players started, it took time and work to get to a certain place of strength and it took a lot of work to level. There were no "short cuts". Originally, there were no world bosses, BA, SW, and being a new game, there were a lot less bosses as there were few players and players had fewer bosses to open as everyone was a lower level. Then as time went on, a couple of players with a lot of money came into the game and they spent probably more than some of us could make in 5 years (and this is not an exaggeration). But even for these spenders, it took time. They had to do challenges, jobs, and every boss they could find. It was not actually so easy to get to the top in levels. And they spent a ton in limited quantity items. Although they put in less time then a lot of the original players who started from the beginning, these "new" players had to work on catching up to the older players.

    Now, it is so different. New players can actually spend less for bigger results and catch up to old players in no time at all. RAIDS not only allow for ridiculously fast leveling, they provide items as well. As I have posted in many threads about one player who went from like level 700 to I think it was 3500 in about 5 weeks. It took me just over 10 months to get to level 3500. That was an average of 11.6 levels per day. And I was leveling all the time with 2-3 leveling partners. 2800 levels in 5 weeks is an average of 80 levels per day. There was no opportunity to level like that before RAIDS and the change to BA with BRAWL. Purchased items are now two to three times better than the original items available.

    And all of these changes are a good thing.... but it would be nice if they made changes that specifically kept the higher levels interested and ways that could make being a higher level worth something. Leveling should be rewarded and not become what seems like a "punishment". When you are level 2000 and you can gain 15 levels in a day with one leveling partner and spend a little on raids and gain another 50-60 levels, it feels like you are advancing and moving closer to goals and personal objectives. When you can only gain 2-3 levels and raids will cost a ton to make a few levels, it feels like you are stalled and going no where. And when you look in the rear view mirror and see all these people closing in on you, it makes it discouraging to invest more time and money into the game. And lower level players can buy all the same items as higher levels and become stronger very easily making all the job drops and boss drops higher levels worked so hard to get to worthless. And players who are at the top should have higher levels and new cities to want to reach and lower levels should be encouraged to want to level and get rewarded for leveling as well. But it really seems like getting about mid level and finding a way to NOT level is a better game plan than leveling. It seems the best advice is "Get into some top city bosses for the drops and then get yourself listed to erase the exp from attacking the boss and keep buying items as you can afford them". LOL
  4. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    this guy sounds like an alt to me. i don't remember being so concerned about getting max clan and buying inventory on my first day. but maybe that's just me.
  5. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    apparently he lost some fights as he said, then in the feed they say hire mob and arm mobsters. idk I just told him what to do lol.
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Be careful what you wish for. We may get a whole bunch of "new"gifts that look an awful lot like the old ones with different backgrounds.
    Orez likes this.
  7. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    I would prefer to be able to use all the existants gifts, to make crafts, like the "secret gift"!

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