But then you'll miss all the awesome stuff I contribute and what happens when it goes - you'll never know. The risk of missing some of my forum posting gold is too high in my opinion... lol!!
Yes when I am not logged in I see your posts and that dang signature ,lol But I see it is gone ,I shall unignore you
Im so conflicted. I feel naked without it. I feel like part of my identity has been taken from me. I might replace it with a cat doing something funny - everyone loves cat video?! lol
For the life of me - I cant insert a gif again in my signature - I cant remember how I did it last time! Its giving me a bad case of the glums!!!
Awwww thanks for sharing Mi7ch! That is the cutest kitty I've seen in a long time! He'd make a good pirate boat cat; keep the mice away, arrrrr
I didnt say I wanted a signature a that was less annoying than the old one, but the forum seems determined to keep trying to stop me using this....
i think you should put this one next to the other one and have them both in your signature, but you said you can't remember how to do that, oh well.
just tired of hearing players over level 5k on kong griping. i have adjusted to the changes in the game over time, some i like, most i don't. it does not seem that the griping is actually leading to any positive changes, either, at least none that i can see.