Why can I be attacked by higher level players

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by joint4you, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. MindyClarke

    MindyClarke New Member

    You can dress it up all you like, but the fact remains that a fowl is still a fowl, and smells just as rotten... all I have got to say is that it has been days since I attacked anyone, Hit List included, and the same people still insist, and persist to continue harassing me, and about the whole hit list thing about listing people who list your crew.... well if I am not online and have make no attempts whatsoever to start a fight with anyone, then I shouldn't have to find that I have been hit listed while I was OFFLINE, that will warrant retaliation, and if it was a person too high in level to defend I will return the Hit list favor, so before you go trying to justify your reasons to list people you had better find out first if the person on whose behalf you are supossedly doing it for wasn't just being a jerk. So regulate your squads and find out what they are up to (but you know exactly what your doing) in the game before you start going on a killing spree.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  2. Viscious

    Viscious New Member

    Alot of these higher level players that have bought their way up the rankings are threatened by people that may take away anything from them and their friends. It is a fighting and killing game and that's what you do on here. I take no offense to anything any of these people do. I don't like it when people try to act all self rightous on the boards when in fact I know different. I myself will bounty people randomly at times on other games and I have been known to bully people for no apparent reasons. I have never tried to lie and say it isn't so. I play this game a little different and I don't play the aggressor much. Alot of these people above level 300 are at me like fleas on a dog every time I heal. The main thing that apparently pisses them off is when they try to tranfer coins to each other by random bounties and I get in a lucky kill and take it down. That goes for about every single faction on here. What is really funny is that alot of times I am wanting to die because I have an overflow on stam I want to use. It's all fair and fun and the best thing to do is keep building your character and seek your revenge. As far as people helping each other pffft! They feel a great need of being indestructable by buying their way. Which is also fair as the game needs to be supported. So , keep playing and take everything with a grain of salt till you get stronger or maybe try playing Farmville where I think no one can kill you. I know I personally was dropped by a few of these higher level players for nothing other than having someone they hate in my clan. Now this person is no longer in my clan either because I dropped them because their friends kept killing me LOL so it a nasty nasty web on here and I think that's the appeal for me. Kudos to Kano on this release....
  3. MindyClarke

    MindyClarke New Member

    I began playing this game quite some time ago out of boredom, and it grew on me, however it wasn't until just recently that it had become less enjoyable by the day, and I am finding myself playing less often as I am no longer able to play as I had always played. It is apparent that no matter how unfair certain players are being treated, it's always gonna be justified so i may just leave this app behind, as it is no longer a game but a tool that is being used for the purposes of personal revenge, it should be renamed "Meet that Hatfields and McCoys"
  4. joint4you

    joint4you New Member

    believe me i know all about the HL rules.... no need to spout them off... im talking about a person who s 1000 lvls higher that can attack lvl 200 for no good reason.... bottom line....

  5. Man I really do dislike repeating myself.

    Annie, Trioxin. Do you feel your behavior (has been/will be/is already/could become) a reason players leave this game? If the answer is yes, then perhaps you are doing yourself a dis-service.

    Joint (others) Do you feel that you are taking things a bit personally simply because you have no chance of winning against these two? There are other players in the game for you to attack. I myself have taken a hiatus from fighting for the past couple months, attacking bosses of mine and my squad, and only using the remainder to attack others. Or retaliating when I see somebody actively attacking me. Perhaps this is an avenue you should explore. (Joint I know you were happy about my fighting hiatus, seeing as I often ran out of targets and you were often one of them.)

    Fighting is part of the game, though perhaps the faction coding may need some work, if it is allowing people to attacking players they normally would be unable to attack?
  6. W T F

    W T F New Member

    A big part of it is family/friends or clans looking out for each other. Its nothing new and if you have played any other fighting games you should know this. Most of the cry babys in this thread are all from one group, a group that is not highly spoken of by any other group in this game. You all are guilty of doing EXACTLY what you accuse Annie and Tri of doing. If you dont like fighting then go play farmville or something. If your group does not cover your backsides then maybe its time to look else where. There is more to fighting than just being strong, along with it you have to develop strategy's on how to survive. No matter how strong you are you can still be taken down, its called PLAYING THE GAME.
  7. the teacher

    the teacher New Member

    Here is the way I see it. There are a few fixes to this problem so it gets nipped in the bud real quick.
    1) Kano can fix random hitlisting by putting controls in place to where you cannot hitlist someone unless they attack you more than 5x or they hitlist you. This stops hitlist happy people.
    2) Institute hitlist maximums to where someone cannot be hitlisted more than 5x per 24 hour period.
    3) Remove the grotesque amount of experience lost when killed on hitlist or fightlist and reduce it to a more acceptable number say like 50 exp lost each death or something as opposed to like 390 exp lost.
    4) Put a control in place to where players cannot attack any player more than 50 levels below them if they attack a hitlisted individual. Lets say I am a lvl 400. Someone lvl 100 attacks me while im hitlisted, regardless of whether or not they attack me I should still not be able to attack them back. You all talk about fairness by making sure top squad is directly correlated with attack and def, making sure in the lower levels that we cant attack people normally out of our exp range and all that. You wont let us add to attack and def by buying un credits or find a different way to increase our stats. You allow bullying scumbags 300 and 400 levels above a lvl 50 to hit that player over and over for attacking the higher level on hitlist, Where is the fairness there, If were going to be fair then lets be totally fair or just allow us to add to attack and def with credits and open up everything and stick us in our corner and leave us to our own devices lol.

    You keep me from being stronger by making me only able to level by buying credits while un credit cheaters run rampant with 10000 squad at level 150 and there is nothing I can do to improve my character except through leveling myself and it still is often not near enough to beat a lot of these people. How am I going to add to attack and def and health and stam and energy etc when i only get 5 skill each level and some of the higher lvl jobs have such way past offensive requirements that unless you have tons of e you wont complete them for days or weeks. Im not buying un to level. However I will buy un for un items and skill increases if you would allow it.

    Many people are getting absolutely tired of the unbelievably grotesque amount of experience stolen from them when they are hitlisted and killed and that needs to be fixed. I make people a focus for days and even weeks if they hitlist or kill my character because thats my time and effort. I am not about to sit back as someone dictates to me when I get to level and add to my character because of all the exp stolen from me due to a hitlist or kill. If someone hitlists me and im able, I punish that individual for a long time till I give them 10x what they did to me. Its not my fault either if you get hitlisted and I try to take you off because you got a big bounty, Dont do anything to get hitlisted and you wont have to worry about it lol. I just look at people who use the hitlist as the only option when they are too cowardly to even make an attempt to hit back and fight if we are close to levels. Thats a bunch of B.S. Its also punk behavior for a level 450 to attack a low level 45 that clears them off the list or hits them a couple times. Go after the turd that hitlisted you instead or fight people off your fight list like all the honorable players do,

    We also need to do something about that damn hitlist like break it up into different servers instead of having literally thousands of ppl on just one hitlist all vying for the hit. And I know some people are running macros on hitlist to get all the kills when they play but I just cant pinpoint who it is. Im not the only person thats said that before either
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  8. Vampryss

    Vampryss Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    These are Fighting Apps

    Kano/Apps is based on fighting. Amy's don't go into war & meet up with the enemy & say "oh well you are weaker than I am or you don't have as many guns so I won't attack you."

    In these Apps you can fight other players one on one, fight Bosses & most recently you can now join & fight other Factions, Armadas, Mobs & Guilds.
    They are not games to take personally or offense to when you do get attacked or listed.

    Yes, Higher level players can list you if you are level 250+. They can not just attack you if you haven't attacked them but they can slap, punch & whip you one time in an hour as well as list you if they choose. Many players will do this for a few reasons:

    1. They see that you are fighting/listing one of thier own in the main feed.
    2. The player you have been fighting has pressed the button asking all mob/clan/squad to help fight.
    3. You attempted to go for their bounty.
    4. They are looking to complete their achievements.
    5. They list other players to spend coin & help out other clan get their achievements or get coin.
    6. You are clan/mob/squad with a rival of theirs.
    7. They are simply bored

    Remember, if you are setting counter attacks, ambushes, punching or slapping you end up on their rival list opening you up for attacks for 24 hours or until they kill you. It only takes One attack, slap/punch or list to end up an anyones rival list. Giving them easy access to your in-game profile to attack you as they choose.

    I mentioned this on another thread & I've seen it a lot more lately. And that is a lot of players have been leveling very fast & have not been building up clan/mob/squad as fast as they are leveling. They are also not building up properties giving them adequate income to support inventory for a larger clan to match their level.

    Most players will just go down the battle list & fight everyone that appears there attacking anyone online or offline. If you should heal & end up on the battle list again, you can count on being attacked again. It's nothing personal, it's how the game is played. If you find yourself always losing, figure out where you are weak & improve those specific stats.

    Being attacked by high level players is not bullying. It's how the game is played.
  9. exactly exactly exactly
  10. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    thanks to those who understand how such games work! kinda weird that always the same peeps cry for help in here! YOU ALL list and attack others as well, and can't live with the consequences!
    and as long as there is a faction, that bully's my squad, i will bully this faction, live with it! :p
  11. lol ridiculous.
  12. ditto;) .......................

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