cant attack BUG?!!

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by ParashuramaBloodAxeLegend, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. some how i cant attack this player ?!!! he can attack me no problem as u can see in videao later on ... and when i attack him its say his in battle but as u can see his not and i refresh battle page and his health is the same !!! must be pimp bug? !! LOL

    the same on bounty level 200.... 5 min on wow haha

    Attached Files:

  2. Thor Odinson

    Thor Odinson New Member

    3 of the four games are all fixirplixit right now
  3. Having the same issue hitting a guy on the bounty. Try again! is all it says and this low level guy has been there for a while now. Also am unable to hit some bosses or do adventures and have just now discovered that on Pirate Clan unlimited pistol whips are being allowed. Serious glitches going on.
  4. also there is no axe limit on some players !!!!
  5. here is some axe slaps in one min lol

    Attached Files:

  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    as the game
    history will show....the page of axe slaps was in retalliation to repeated axe slaps by the person complaining
  7. who is complaining ? :p
  8. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    There were some major connectivity issues with our server host provider this morning for about an hour. Everything should be back to normal now, some users rival lists, boss feeds, game history feed, etc may have been cleared out.
  9. Thanks Back to battlefield than :D

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