[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    lol well since everyone been adding to stamina and energy seems the heals this time around sucks major ************** i have been seeing heals equal or even less than attack damage all i know is i got to where i want and dont really think i will worry to much more about raids. fps to xp ratio sucks
  2. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    also the xp sucks so levels really aint the benefit out of raids, its makes it to where you dont need a lp sorta its very costly to gain 1 lvl off a raid no matter how much stamina and energy you may have when you get so high it takes so much xp. I used them this time around just to get to next city and get a nice leg up but for cost wise it sucked really most i joined looks like they wont get beat but i didnt spend for the items, but it is a huge waste i should have joined abunch and didnt 1 attack and wait days out to see which ones i should have spent those fps on but from now on i know better i will join alot and have to wait it out to see who actually attacks a raid instead of doing the new thing of min. for a super item..... simple this fix the xp and make it to where super drops are given when done 20 mill in damage and respected heals of a 1 heal ever 2 attacks. either way i got what i needed and who ever wishes to waste there money on the next feel free but till the xp for the attacks are raised at least 30% and the heals xp is at least double then the higher players might feel its worth it also along with way the items are given out.
  3. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Well Mitch, seems like you once again decided to do nothing towards raid wreckers, and the same player that last season destroyed probably 20 raids or so, have really had a good start this season. I have so far seen 5 which he destroyed. Thanks for yet again, not addressing a problem :(
  4. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    My impression is now we get about 175-200 XP / stam spent (attack). Last time it was about 150-175. Am i the only one to notice that?
  5. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    xp sucks, i have done so much damage on so many raids its pathetic how it has came to be with so many more doing the min. i spent this time and it really is stupids how bad its getting with freeloaders, Kano your raids have hit rock bottom low and for me i will not spend anymore till you do something about the horrible xp uppers are getting with what i just spent and seen where i got with the raids im in and how many are going to fail has just changed my mind and i wish i had a rewind button to have stopped myself from spending. Now i sit here staring off at this game screen wondering and asking myself what is keeping me playing this app anymore. everything people talk about and try to bring a new to the game is being fallen onto deaf ears. As of me i see this as coming to the end of my lcn career for when i stare into the darkness of this black screen writing this bullshit complaining about something that will never seem to change it takes me into my mind and wonder if i should find a new hobbie that i can get enjoyment out of cause this game is losing its fun so fast and so quick its pathetic. thanks for reading my rant
  6. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    also take a look at the heals since we all have changed the way we place the skill points the heals are really bad most raids im in i have noticed 1 out of ever 3 heals is healing less than most my attacks used to if you did 100 attacks you healed about 50 times now its more around 70 times to heal for the same 100 attacks. This these are degrading as we go since everyone seem to change there character which in turn has now effected the healing really bad. the attacks have remained basically the same yet im not seeing very many with full heal getting over 100,000 damage dealt which i feel is another issue due to our new way of locating our skill points. When writing support to show a heal of 3300 and attack damage of 3500 there is a issue to me but when brought to them basically its our own fault with our choices. which it may be true but its making for really bad investment and if structure is not change within a few raids i see the heal to attack ratio being basically 1 to 1 and then thats when the rants will come heavily.
  7. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    is because you are probably higher level now, nothing else , XP is the same
    Kirsten likes this.
  8. jahrista

    jahrista Member

    u can always count on xp from raids being about 50% less than a lvl partner
    syn wars is the only area they don't rip u for stam spent - xp earned
    ChewbaccaSW and Guardian Angel like this.
  9. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    OK , it was just an impression so :p

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I have heard nothing good about the raids this time around...... at least as far as KONG LCN goes. From what I have heard, the raid killers are more rampant than ever, more raids are perishing, less have been opened, and more than ever people are just doing minimum and waiting on a superstar to finish them. I personally do not know as I decided not to do my typical 100 raids at a minimum of 32 million damage on each this time around and save my money. So I have not seen any of this first hand. :) But what has been said in Kong LCN chat has not been good.

    This was Dcasso reply that Kano somehow added to my original post and deleted his:
    I think the raids have been going nicely this round, it is true not as many has been opened, but some that used to open 2-3 haven't opened any :) Raid party killing have been horrible because kano have made an error in their coding, which means you can continue to kill a raid as many times as you like. This part have been very very hurtful for the raids this season.

    And this was my reply to Dcasso:
    LOL No offense to you but we all know you are a player that would prefer no one level and no one spent. So for you to see only 30 raids opened by everyone is a good thing but for those who normally participate in every raid they can find, I think they have found it terrible. I have no idea on how much damage you do on average per raid or exactly how many you join but several players have as always complained they are doing more than 50 million average per raid just to get them completed. And the fact that as you said "players who used to open 2-3 have not opened any" shows a huge drop in participation and that most likely it is because they are afraid that if they do open one it might not get completed. And I imagine from a Kano standpoint, fewer raids means less success as more raids mean more stamina and energy used which for them hopefully translates into more refills which goes to more $$$$ spent.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
    Jess likes this.
  11. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    I am curious as to why a moderator decided to delete my post, and then keep the one quoting my post and combining his post that I was replying to, with his reply to my reply
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Initial investigations suggest that event-wide benching was indeed active and working over the event. The case of the player who seemed exempt from the mechanic may turn out differently than the current narrative suggest. I will update once I have a conclusive result. :)

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    That was indeed weird. And nothing you said was offense or insulting in anyway. So I have zero idea on why they deleted your post unless it was an error when they were responding to it?
  14. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I didn't remove any posts that I can remember recently; I did have an issue with combining some consecutive posts and then accidentally typing my reply in there which deleted the rest of the message (which I partially restored). That might have been the issue.
  15. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Well my post is deleted, and Goings two messages have been combined plus mine included into it, so a bit strange.

    Regarding your code working as it should, did you see the images in my post:
  16. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I did, and replied later in that thread that we looked into it and it was on. We're still looking into what happened here, once there is an update with conclusive information I will post again.
  17. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    How about this for a T-shirt: "33k actions on a raid and all I got was this stinkin' common drop." This is EXACTLY why I can't stand raids. I don't want to level into oblivion. I only joined one to help a friend out. Second most actions for a common drop, and no one else even had 10k actions except for the player that did more than me? If you do over 10k actions, you should be GUARANTEED a superior. I will not spend money on these or even look for them, even for the stupid FP achievements.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I agree 100%.
  19. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Does anyone still like the raids?
    Jess likes this.
  20. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

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