Is there an easy way to unclan players that are not active anymore other that just sorting through them one by one??
If you are over the 2,500 friend limit then you will be presented with a "batch delete" option for clan mates. If you are under that then I believe it needs to be done on an individual basis.
I'm confused, Polish is already banned? I know jj is still around but they don't ban the cheats, just the alt accts
He was, then he quit and someone kept using his account..... Not naming names, thats against the rules ;p
Yep. He had played since the games started, I believe. I didn't agree with everything he said, but he was a good source of knowledge.
I think GOING TO CATCH DAVID Took over Polishes 3k word essays to make a simple point and repeat's same chit over and over.
yeah, but i prefer polish's posts. they seemed more relevant across the games. maybe it's because polish played VC like i do.
There are some that play the games and some that out-play the games and then get bored and have nothing better to do than complain about how there's nothing for them to do. Pretty pointless in my opinion but to each his own