discussion-less forum

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by George Burd, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    with the almost utter refusal to talk about crafting or new world bosses, and the completely abused and predictable wars and arenas, I have found almost nothing worth talking about in forums lately. so please why cant we expand on the game we have instead of "tweaking" threads on raids, and new worlds for the raid crazies.there is a whole area of people losing interest in the games in general because they wont raid to oblivion. we have good games that can grow, but kano seems to just cater too the few who spend the most.
  2. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    yes I agree this is very sad especially when those people with big credit cards are allowed to cheat just the reports makes no sense...Even they invented a new way to cheat through the program virtual PC they keep involved in working mode their accounts..Let me clarify one thing this program allows to your friend who is on the other side of the world to use all open pages in your desktop while you keep your IP,passwords and all data so there is no danger of theft if someone uses your gamer account !If your friend has 2 computers can do leveling to both accounts alternating them to auto healing.Even if we know about it we cannot prove it ! Yes, I caught them once when I got the answer to a question I asked from another account which was shocking (they are leveling partners) it seems someone mixed message boxes :) While they drink their coffee-their accounts level with macros(script,bot auto heal or whatever called it)- super smart way of cheating -congrats!!!Pay to cheat!
    George Burd likes this.
  3. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    This kind of stuff makes me sick. I work hard to get to where I have got to. :(
    George Burd likes this.
  4. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    i can't agree with this more. maybe we should have 2 forums: one for the players that the OP mentioned in his post, and one for the rest of us. until then, i say we let those few players talk to themselves about things that are important to them and the rest of us should ignore those threads.
  5. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    The biggest problem is that even permanent ban cant stop them -they will make new accounts and continue the some easy way and what you see will be moving the speed of light in levels new players
  6. YodaYoda

    YodaYoda Member

    If banning a player meant that Kano would lose revenue, then they won't do it. It's all about economics. Kano makes decisions based on how much money it makes. Since raid bosses probably make them the most revenue, then it makes sense for them to allocate more of their resources into tweaking raids, even at the expense of other aspects of the game.
  7. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    I have actually hit the point where i do not care what others do, I would just like to see expansion that isnt for the top level/maxed credit card players
  8. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Haven't you heard? Expansion for the 1% benefits ALL of us.
    George Burd likes this.

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