[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    if someone do lot of damages (lot of attacks) you can't call him a freeloader in the first place, second point, you can't force friends to do more damage or heals, it is upto boss owner to kill the raid, only way to sort that out is, do not open raids if you can't kill them on your own within the given time. Do friend's raids, they will make sure it will die.
    Kirsten and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  2. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    thank you ive said this long ago glad someone feels the same, about the owner must kill it.
    AXXO likes this.
  3. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    maybe you should run these by the player base first to make sure no one is "offended". :)
  4. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    Game takes too much time to respond in facebook sever, I think some of the raid might need extra time due to this. can't play at all, confirmed with few others and they are experiencing the same issue.
  5. Si Celia

    Si Celia Member

    Who broke the game?
  6. Sandy Barrows

    Sandy Barrows Active Member

    Axxo I was merely expressing an opinion - you arent in theses raids so you cant comment -
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    choose who you invite wisely.
    SweetestAngel likes this.
  8. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    Well up to now I have played all raids and have opened and killed my raids twice every time;) This is the forum and everybody has the privileged to comment on anything, except offensive things. I think I'm doing pretty fine and you don't tell me what to do :p and this is also a mere statement of opinion. I'm responsible for what I say, not what you understand. @Sandy Barrows
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
    Kirsten likes this.
  9. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I think it's just a case of be careful who you invite.
  10. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    raise xp on the heals to match the xp for attacking and that would stop all the issues
  11. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    That would be an absolutely excellent idea.
  12. Geoff Heretic Wild

    Geoff Heretic Wild Active Member

    I would like to see the minimum actions set to different levels for each range.
    Low Tier: 2000/2000
    Mid Tier: 2500/2500
    High Tier: 3000/3000

    My 2 cents, and BTW, I'm High Tier.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
    SweetestAngel likes this.
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I totally agree for , I have had people tell me when and where I can comment, and that is just silly.
    AXXO likes this.
  14. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I can just see the crazy arse leveling that would promote,might as well just close the games down right now then:eek:
    AXXO likes this.
  15. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    agree, if everything is easy, what the point of playing this for 4-5 years, 365 days. at least 2-3 hours a day.
    Kirsten likes this.
  16. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    so make it easier for the small guys to mass large number of drops from these raids, make it harder for higher levels, are you trying to kill the app. you raise it I wont do them, its so much easier for smaller levels, and all you see is xp improvement. Here the problem plain and simple if you dont have the fps to kill the raid dont start one and join others, the min. is fine where it is if anything requirement should be placed on top awarded xp when raid is collected and the super item. The problem lies is people think in lcn just cause ur a high level its easier they have more stamina and energy, but most dont realize it takes alot of the upper players multiple refills to level and thats the issue why should the newbies get all the free easy levels when we had to fight so hard to get where we are, if anything upper levels should get the most outta these things and then its should be a downfall on xp ratio compared to a level. Thats if you want uppers to do the most they should get the most, we are lucky to get 1 lvl outta of a refill and some have to buy a energy and stamina refill just to level so that 20 fps but there are players getting 5 lvls or more for less. Thats the issue I do more than min. on most raids but forcing the uppers to have the most done is ridiculous to me.
    AXXO likes this.
  17. Geoff Heretic Wild

    Geoff Heretic Wild Active Member

    The problem is, some of the uppers/mids join to many bosses and barely do the min. The chances of a lower having more stamina/energy than an upper are slim to non existent. Yes, lowers level more from raids than uppers - but that's no different than it is now. If you're doing RAIDs for the drops than you're doing it wrong as they say. As the lowers move up - that brings the playing field closer and closer - which means more fun IMHO. I'm a long time regular Mob Wars as well, there it's absurd the differences between players as far as levels - hence I barely play there at all as it's not fun.
  18. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I have noticed I get alot of superiors if I just do the min, and I usually make sure to do the min, and come back later,but as I am not that interested in the items, I usually do alot of damage( unless the raid gets killed) then I don't come back and the min is all I will have done, as I am working on increasing stamina so need the skill points from levels, for me that is all the raids are good for, I spend alot less on stam refills, which is great.
    AXXO likes this.
  19. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    Totally agreed. we all do our best. but nobody will do raids anymore if this has ridiculous limits and raise of actions per tier. I have bigger friends do more than 100millions, and bigger friends who only do 2000 actions, but can I blame them? No cause this game does not guarantee a superior drop any of them. sometime people do bigger damage get smaller reward. if they didn't do any damage, should I be upset? well I do 50-100 so the issue is solved. if nobody did a massive damage I still have a working credit card ;) of course talk around and make some friends. that's all I'd add, kinda repetitive ikr lol point was I agree not to set different min actions for higher levels.
    Kirsten likes this.
  20. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    exactly, sometimes the amount of raids I do is insane but all of a sudden after dozens of common items i get a super item from a boss I never saw that it was existed.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.

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