[LCN] More Stamina Per Leveling Up

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SwiftlyInnocent, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. SwiftlyInnocent

    SwiftlyInnocent Active Member

    ChewbaccaSW and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    The games were not designed to rush thru , IMO
  3. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    not true, if that was the case we wouldnt have all the extra ways to level, its a heck of alot easier to lvl so for you to state this is absurd, what game have you been playing lately, if there was a chance you should level slow by developers they would have xp limiter per day or limit on refills there is no set speed for leveling here except what you want to spend, i can remember when there wasnt no calendars, sw's, ba, and warmode, so yes they have made it easier to level sometimes it would be best if you not even comment some thing you say is redundant
  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Ok the original design befor these Gawd awful raids and when people discovered a short cut by leveling with each other to the point Kano put a limit years ago on how often you can attack one person in twenty four hours both of which are just plain stupid
  5. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    also there was none of these high levels years ago, game design has changed and this should be one of those areas, when it takes more than 4000 stamina for a lvl then what would it hurt to ease that pain with more than just 50 stamina for a level. The 500 and 50 was based on basically no one when the game started it has grown alot since then.
    Easy To Remember likes this.

    GATMAN Active Member

    Simply put, I rarely see Kirsten agree with any change request that gives more to the player!!! No disrespect intended. As a lvl 6600+, receiving 50 stamina for leveling up one level when it takes 1,160,544xp for me to grow one more level is of ZERO help. It is time to increase that payout
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Because you want a shortcut I am against shortcuts that is my opinion, which I am entitled to and if you think mine carries more weight than yours ,why some of you are so concerned with my opinion is really kind of funny and I gather Kano has a good laugh at all this infighting and arguing and they are gonna do exactly what they want regardless.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
    GATMAN likes this.
  8. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Cheers I thought i was the only one that felt that way :)
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Just cause I disagree lol well tuff :cool:
  10. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    I believe that balance is required in all matters of life. Kirsten, your here to keep that balance :)
    Kirsten likes this.
  11. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    I just spent over an hour reading all of the comments asking (even begging) Kano to increase the amount of Stamina received on each level-up, that I have found myself sitting here flustered & wondering how much more feedback to implement a change would be needed before it is actually changed.. I just can't believe that we have seen changes such as colored icons in the Chat, when it is so plainly clear that the players desperately want more Stamina upon leveling & nothing (to my knowledge) has been done about it. It is time Kano. Past time. Please just do something about this so we can all move on. Please! How much louder do so many people have to shout before they are actually heard? :eek:
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    So a couple things here, when I originally posted in this thread what I put was that we had an idea that was similar to what this thread was about that we were kicking around and that I was just testing the waters to see what you folks thought of the direction.

    I also mentioned that it was not a sure thing that this would go through at this time; I did it to mainly see if there was interest in what we had planned (which there was).

    This has been on the developer's minds since then, but it's not as "easy" to push out as say, colored icons in chat which (which was also a community requested idea for what it's worth) has no impact on gameplay, while changing Stamina payout on level up most certainly would, so all the angles need to be considered.

    So I ask for a bit of patience while I work with the developers to see where we can go with this now that it's been well established that the community in LCN would like to see an increase to Stamina paid out on level up. :)
  13. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    Thank you Mitch for the update and dealing with our impatience. I do think it's VERY important that we receive updates more frequently so we know that we are heard. It would be totally awesome to know a yes or a no to the ideas and change requests. Can you tell us that this will happen in the future?
  14. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    Thanks for your explanation and your answer Mich!
    GATMAN likes this.
  15. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Well said and thanks for any help.
    GATMAN likes this.
  16. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update @mi7ch - It's good to have such a straightforward response regarding this issue, and learn that our voices have been heard! I have no problem patiently waiting now that my mind has been eased knowing you are working on a solution. Also, I apologize if my comment may have sounded a bit harsh, and it was most definitely not directed at you personally. Thanks again! :)
    mi7ch likes this.
  17. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    Good point Sir!
  18. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    Ok lets just hope will not have to wait 1 more year to see the changes like in other cases ( exemple: when last characters apeared you said will have much sooner new characters for all the tier levels and is been more then 1 year already and there is no new characters)
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I hope what I am reading is that the developers are looking at how to do it and not just if to do it.....

    Since it takes so much stamina to level now being over level 10k, any increase would be a huge help! I am hoping for something "tiered" but then I have to admit that is partly because being such a high level on Kong, I would receive the biggest benefit on a tiered structure LOL
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    New Characters!!!! That is a whole other topic in which I could go on about forever as well! So many things that are NOT done for higher levels.....

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