[LCN] New City?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by JARVIN, Sep 23, 2015.


    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Work has begun on the new Locations but I don't have a firm date for you. Once I hear something I'll update. <<< this was a quote from Mitch in the thread regarding the new changes to the Home Page.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    So then why bother playing for years to get stronger if players can spend less and catch a player faster if they wait 3 years to "close the gap" on older players? Can I get a refund and start over?
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.

    JARVIN Active Member

    you can't get a refund, but yes, you can start over. this will enable to take full advantage of what's currently being offered, and you can throw your old account away. thank goodness you have the new calendar and challenge reminders on the home page, this should make things much easier.
    Kirsten likes this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Why throw away the old account? Just get a family member like a wife, daughter, son, cousin, etc to start playing and use the old account to share all the top bosses with them and help them with RAIDS by letting them get their 2000 heals while you do the attacks since it is easier to build energy than stamina, and stop spending on the old account and just spend on the new account. This will give the new account items from RAIDS, boss drops, and really make the account strong while staying a lower level. Then after the new account is where you want it, then you can just "retire" the old account and play the new account for your "wife", "daughter" cousin" or friend. Maybe even go on listing spree with the old account when everyone is pretty much offline and try to transfer as much cash to the new account as possible.

    I mean since it seems Kano is going to make the time and money invested in playing years ago worthless now. why not at least use your investment for something?
  5. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    I don't really care how long players in my level range are playing. I did 2.5 years, some 5+ years, some half a year, so what. Closing the gap on the high level side would only make it more interesting on the fight list. Bosses etc. are fine to get stronger but for me the only interesting part of this game is PvP fighting and the hitlist.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    It may not make a difference to you because either you spend on items, don't care about getting your a** kicked, or you are a part time player? For a player who has invested years into a game and likes to win, when a player can join and in 6 months be twice as strong as you and your level for what took you 3 years to accomplish bothers the average person. And has been discussed in several other threads, the idea that a person who spent years ago has basically been made worthless compared to what can be bought now also bothers the typical person who spent time and money trying to be more than just an "average" player.

    But then what do I really expect? Just like in politics where those who don't have or didn't want to work tend to believe that life should be fair for everyone and so the wealth of the rich should be taken from those who worked hard and earned it and just given to the lazy and welfare dependent. Who cares what a person has put into this game - let's just make it more interesting and let all the new players invest half of what old players have invested and let the new players be stronger and more powerful in half the time so we can stir things up! Only a "poor" man thinks this way. Or a politician trying to get votes or a troll trying to create a problem.
  7. RafeDavid

    RafeDavid Well-Known Member

    I'm in favor of new cities. I can't remember in the beginning how many levels there were between cities but I know at one time it was 400, then 500, and now 550. Moon is level 8170 so if every level 550 isn't possible increase the number of levels to the next city again as has been an already established method. I'd hate to see long time players get bored with the game and leave. Just as the game needs new blood to survive it also needs the veterans who have pretty much been playing since day one.

    I would like to see special city events for all active players. For example for the month of December open the North Pole as a special city. Add something new to the game and generate some added interest. Perhaps in one of the summer months open a Caribbean city for the vacationing mobsters to set up shop. Specials challenges, bosses, unique month long only crafting, etc... I'm pretty sure this has been suggested in the past but it's a good idea in my opinion.

    So to summarize get some new cities for the folks who have made it to the moon and create some new special cities for all players to visit.
  8. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    Well, none of the above, check your cristal ball again :)
    From your perspective, of cours, because it bothers you, you may think it's normal and bothers most other people as well. From my perspective I would say it doesn't bother the average person. There's a saying here: at yourselve you think you know half of the world.
    Wow, comparing a game with politics, rich and poor people living on welfare, lazy people, politicians trying to get votes and problem creating trolls, no wonder you are bothered :) Games change, bear that in mind the next time you spend time or money and you would be bothered less. Spend time and money for the fun of the moment and hope it will give you fun in the future but don't count on it. DeathSpace was the last example to teach me that lesson.

    Better try to compare it with buying a computer. When your neighbor buys one 3 months after you he will have one much faster, more memory, more possibilities, more this, more that for less money. So you go to the shop, ask your money back and buy a new one to repeat this 3 months later. Don't think that would work.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2015

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I guess you must not notice all the posts throughout this game from people complaining about how fast people can level and how it is NOT fair to people who have been here for years..... and I guess you must have missed the half or dozen or so threads where people have complained about how items purchased early on are now crap and I guess you have never heard the rumors about some players actually were able to make some deals with Kong and did get some refund or credit on early purchased items. So, I guess it does bother a lot more people than just me. First sign that you are not very informed.

    And this is a game where we compete - we are in competition with others. Buying a computer is NOT a competition. This is a long term contest. Just like in any game or contest, new players should not be given things easier or things made to close the gap to erase the work and investment of older players. And I am still 100% accurate in my description of an entitlement society. No one wants to earn anything or put in their dues but rather somehow think they should be given regardless of who it hurts or who it is taken from.

    No doubt games change, but the changes should also benefit the older players as well and not put them at a disadvantage. Most all of Kano changes always hurts someone and most of the time it is the older players. Like the BA changes that killed the defensive players who could not reallocate skills but were not strong enough to fight in BA or had little stamina. Or like RAIDS who benefit high stamina and energy. Or RAIDS which allow a new player to do 1500+ levels in a week. And levels during RAIDS provide items as well as fps for refills and more leveling - change is good or at least change should be good for EVERYONE.

    And if you don't agree, that's fine as I seem to find the ones who disagree with me are the ones who want everything handed to them and the ones who do agree with me are the ones who have earned it, spent the time for it, and/or have spent a ton of money over the years to get to where they are.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  10. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I agree 100%
  11. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    I am getting a bit tired of all this off topic posting. This thread was about a new city. Some people want this city open to all players. None of that has anything to do with making it easier for newer players to level.

    Perhaps you guys should make a new thread about your pet issue if you want to talk about it, rather than hijack an existing thread.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  12. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    i agree with this 100%.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    The topic got on leveling and RAIDS from several posts about how new cities will widen the gap between higher levels and lower levels - several posts mentioned this.

    QUOTE: David, the problem with giving more content to the higher levels is that it just widens the gap....

    QUOTE: Closing the gap on the high level side would only make it more interesting on the fight list.

    And it was in one of your posts you talked about how RAIDS would just help people level past any new cities and we would all be complaining again about new cities.....

    QUOTE: Players like you will just spend on raids to get to the new city and in 1 month, you'll be complaining again.

    So this thread was not hi jacked but rather responses to comments made about new cities with responses to the responses.
  14. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I believe the new city based on a different requirement to unlock should have a high cost for jobs and they give a reward based on a % of the lvl xp needed, this way low levels that can participate will not get insanely nice xp off the jobs while top levels get a low amount compared too, so in turn % would make it fair, the rewards awesome all the way across the board for ever player, crafting items being very nice for all levels keep in mind that having this open to all levels or by requirement should make these very nice places to visit. I would like to see a city that is alot harder to get through than the ones we have and instead of a level to unlock the next job set a high amount of times repeated before next job is unlocked. Higher job cost and awesome payout maybe 2.5x the normal payout and 2 times the cost as normal cities.
  15. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    When I said 'widen the gap,' I meant the playing experience. As I explained, the playing experience for people who now reach Dublin is worse than when you reached Dublin. The natural tendency is for developers is to produce content for the vanguard, thinking that the same content will be available to slower levelers as well. But this ignores that the same content is less fun for slower levelers (I get less benefit from job drops, boss drops, crafting, etc). You can really see this at my level, where many players slow-level, to be able to beat people up. They see no benefit to leveling.

    Note that I'm not saying this to whine or demand a magic button that will take me to level 10k, but to point out that this makes slower levelers quit, as their fun is a lot less than the fun you had. So you get an imbalance in the game:
    - many low levels who mostly quit quickly
    - a few who keep going and get really bored around reaching Havana and quit
    - very, very few who keep going further
    - a few highest level players way out of reach of 99% of the players, who always fight the same 10 people. A lot of these quit as well.

    So you get a situation where quite a few people quit and there are too few people to fill the gaps, killing the game (participation in BA and SW is dropping more and more). Furthermore, there is less incentive for newer players to spend a lot of money on the game, like you did, so income for Kano will go down as well.

    While I don't mind a new city for high levels, if the choice is between that and content that benefits all mid level and up players, then I choose the latter, since I think it is better for the game as a whole. Note that this doesn't have to be a city, but can be a new kind of sub-game as well. But something really needs to be done right now, since the current loss of players is really bad.

    PS. Again, nowhere in this post am I asking for easier leveling.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Before raids ,unless someone used a leveling partner it was slow leveling,now that has been pushed aside cause of raids, Anyone playing these games 5 years or more, took their time, and slow leveling did not discourage people, what discourages players are what the raids have done to the games. Now what took people years can be done in half the time, or less in some,cases, all these raid warriors are a joke ,the game is ruined, and why should the gap be made anymore easier than for those that have come before. It is a game now who can get to the top faster than someone else, and when you get there there is nothing but asking for more stuff, well more content has been asked for , for a long time, and look what we got ,Freaken RAIDS,so we need to be careful what we ask for.
  17. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    exactly. if you level yourself to the point where you're bored, that's your fault. even with raids, i still level at a moderate pace for this reason.
    Kirsten likes this.
  18. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    there are also some going for achievement and what not or made a major mistake by adding skill points in wrong area cause they didnt know better or game has changed and dynamics has changed they may not like there character but as with leveling takes so long some may just stop for that reason, others like the feeling of getting a few levels but when it gets to the point where it seems impossible to get a level without having to spend for it also makes for a game changer. But as for Aapje All his points are perfectly said also unlocking new cities are a joke when trying to improve your items. As he stated the top players could actually use the items they unlocked but when you unlocked 4, 5 or 6 cities and nothing is useful it does make the game very boring and puts you in a place where buying is the only thing that can improve your fighting, due to useless crafts, the boss drops alot have what they need or it takes so many to make a difference over the years they are tired of chasing bosses.
  19. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    lol dont need a refund why not a reboot button set you back to lvl 0, you keep ur full mob, and all fps used over the years are plopped right in the account, be easier than a refund :p
  20. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    please give this to us, we need something new to complain about.

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