PLEASE fix this!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jared, Sep 19, 2015.

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  1. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    See the screenshots below, this should be self-explanatory and has been brought up before.
  2. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    What is wrong here exactly?
  3. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Maybe you need glasses, apeman.
    The first screenshot was my job help all mobsters filter last night.
    I checked all available posts until I thought there were no active ones left.
    Then, I changed the filter as indicated in the second screenshot, and all of these active requests popped up.
    I have also seen active requests on members profile pages that do not show up on the main feed.
    This seems to impact all feeds where all the requests do not show up, this has been brought up before, and nothing has been done.
    Is it really so hard to fix this, or improve it somehow?
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I just checked on VC and it's doing the same thing as well. I always have it set on "All Viking's" switched it to "Inner Circle (Theirs)" and see request help not posted on all vikings...:confused:
  5. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    From my understanding. And don't quote me on this because it's been years. But one of the developers i believe said at one time. Your not going to see every post show up on your feeds at one time. You may comeback a few hrs later and at the time you thought you had helped everyone or clicked onto something their will be new ones on at that time you didn't see. So your not going to see everyone's requests the first time around or so. I believe thats the way it was worded or something to that nature.
    Chasity likes this.
  6. cooterbrown

    cooterbrown Active Member

    The same thing happens in ZS I never understood why so I keep it on all slayers now
  7. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    I've noticed that it takes a while for links to show up. I think that it triggers an update when you open the page, but that takes a while.

    So I normally open the page, then open it again after 5 minutes. There are usually some extra links to click.
  8. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    I saw a dead boss in my boss feed in PC yesterday that still showed it was alive and able to be attacked. When I went to that boss, it was dead and had been for some time. I've seen these glitches before.
    Justin the killer likes this.
  9. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    That happens when the boss owner hasn't collected the reward yet.
  10. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    I love bosses, but I hate going thru every players profile page looking for the ones that dont show up in boss tab at all, I would like to see all as well in a tab
  11. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    i continue to have to check the feeds every few minutes to see if "new" requests from hours before magically appear that weren't there the last time that i checked
  12. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    don't forget to vote the thread up, otherwise this won't have any chance of being looked at.
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I've sent this thread up to the developers, and they'll have a look.

    In future, even if it is super clear to you, please do us a favor and let us know what your thread is about. Otherwise I have to guess or ask, both of which makes me look silly. The less hindrances there are in the process, the faster I can get it looked into. :)
    JADES, Old Salt, AXXO and 1 other person like this.
  14. JARVIN

    JARVIN Active Member

    same thing happens to me, which is rather annoying when requests posted hours earlier don't show up in the feeds at first, and then... poof! they're in the feed!
    George Burd likes this.
  15. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    any news? it sounds like this is happening on all games and platforms and has been for a while? i know kano has other priorities, but it would be nice if this could be improved.
  16. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    No news other than it is in the bug list at the moment, seeing where I can get it slotted in.
  17. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    stayin' alive... (yes, this is still happening)
  18. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    yes, nothing is being done. it is aggravating to have to refresh the feed every few minutes to see if there are one or two requests posted hours before that "magically" appear. i checked the boss feed this morning, and i did not see any active ones posted from between 13 hours and 1 day ago. really? no one posted bosses for a whole 12 hour period? come on, you have to know that isn't right. or maybe it's a matter of simply not caring...
  19. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I'll see where the developers stand on this.
  20. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    there will probably be an update pushed out next year that will reduce the feeds even further. i do like the elite update, because i don't have to repost a request every week anymore.
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