[VC] World Chat Again!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Craig Day, Aug 26, 2015.

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  1. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    The ""rule "" ( not a law)is for the forum not WC and it is not a hardened rule or illegal so really you need to Lighten up, so it was you that complained ????, hmmmmmm IMO that warning was wrong of kano and ridiculous in the first place. as Many who are aware who play Kano games, not just VC ,(there is a whole world out there beyond VC), and no one but you feels this " outrage" everyone I have talked to feels as I do even others on the other platforms. You my dear are a minority in this issue. There are lines that if crossed in WC that are bannable offenses but using a real name is not one of them nor should it be, if someone used a name with an offensive remark and it is reported , then yes it may be deleted but not because someone used a real name, if that is the issue I stand by my opinion.
  2. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    This was his msg in WC- "And (my name) is sending around mans junk."- little explanation these mans junk was sharing around from his guild member in personal messages which claims now that are doctored.Sorry if you get them from others I can not guarantee their authenticity but if received by me here is program to test if they are doctored (photoshoped) or not : http://fotoforensics.com/ Again, I do not think that this is the right place for such discussions but if not received direct information from me in the form of screenshots,private posts you have no right implicate my name in any comments or charges!
  3. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    Hmmm wonder what all that rambling had to do with using 1st names in WC. Obsessed much?
    Kirsten likes this.
  4. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    You're obsessed by me-you talking about me, invent stories about me ,you stay in the game to bother me thanks for this great interest from my personality :) Continue make me famous I love it!!!
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    This feature has been around for a long time, so it's definitely not new.

    As for the original issues of the thread, my post on the first page still stands as an explanation of Support's actions. I've removed the warning from Craig's account (uh oh, gonna have to ban myself now :confused:) and have talked to Support about the actions they took here.
    JADES and Kirsten like this.
  6. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    No smoke without fire mi7ch and to have a warning this means that there is a flagrant violation in this case even need a ban but do not forget who he is for him everything is permitted!!!
  7. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    If someone mentions someone's name in chat then, as Mitch said, the post will be removed if it is reported. It's ridiculous to start banning people because a lot of the game names have peoples real names in them.
  8. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    I have nothing against the use of names if they are in the context of normal communication and not for instead of undermining the authority of someone using charges of distributing pornography especially without evidence!!!
  9. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    Someone told me she shared pictures of mans junk,someone told me she is hacker,someone told me she is spy,someone told me she reported fake facebook accounts of my friends (my bro),someone told me she doctored screenshots of WC and chats,Yes ,Yes and someone told me tomorrow you will jump from the top of Eiffel Tower and sent me screenshot how you say it I must have now to invent story and not to forget that someone else told me you are mafia boss ...What you believe is true or not I don't care what happens in your brain too when you get evidence to support your rumors then you have the right to speak or to report everything else is seedy pub slander which I do not want to mention my name !
  10. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    Mitch how about closing this. It has been hijacked and totally counter productive
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    hahaha, just write to support Mitch I am sure they will unban you :p
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Sounds like a plan.
    Snowtiger and Kirsten like this.
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