O.k i have a great idea , how about Kano rewarding players with UN for achieving #1 #2 or #3 on leader boards ,since its a big accomplishment & it would encourage more activity ,let us know what you think!
I like the idea, except for the fact that there is still the vault leaderboard. If awarded UN, depending on how much, might encourage even more people to hoard than they do now.
but there are so many leader board spots there gonna be something for everyone, the Vault is just one of the harder ones to achieve
That would be too easy to manipulate say I had 5quad i could go to the top get my UN then put all my money into cash wait a week deposit it and get UN again or the top 2 in fight kills go back in forth every week etc....too many ways to cheat that system
The problem is that the Leaderbord is in forever change and every day will be harder and harder to achieve it for the big majority of the players while the same few could manipulate it and get it every time.
No from me. I don't play Zombies, but when was the last time the top 3 players actually changed? In LCN, it has been months with no changes, if not longer, even with the leveling machine that is raids.
yes, i think this is a ridiculous idea. do you really think that players will play more often in an effort to get a few extra skill points for being in the top 3 of any given category, particularly those that are unattainable? this will just be a "gift" to those already in the top 3 that don't need it.
There are already achievements rewards for many of the ranks why reward a second time? If a player is going for the top 3 spots getting there should be reward enough.
except for max bounty/max collect That particular one is so rigged it's not even funny and that max caught changes too often. ROFL Otherwise it'd be neat for folks to get some sort of a little somethin' somethin'
sure. then delete any account with over 1200 ambushes, and any account with over 10001 attack, and shoot while we are at it let's delete anyone that' has hit an achievement....oh and don't forget the ones that post in the forum and.... I certainly hope there was sarcasm involved. I know there was in my reply.