I'm going to play devil's advocate, on this debate, I only use cage to adjust target health for the kill shot.
I could adjust loadout to achieve the same result,but that can take time if not preset for the player that is at best being annoying.
If a player uses cage as a way to annoy someone, or many, there is ways to deal with them.
at least it is just a option in the game. For a fair free player.
Not wanting to go to far off topic; there are far worse ( as some have posted ) loop holes where players have uses another account *mates* or alts, to gain massive kills count from the other account suicides.
What amassed me was, when it was so obvious this was happening we got a new ach in PC for kills.
It seem to me that removing cage achieves is less about a fair free players gaining achievements from annoying playing style, than stopping player using loop holes to gain massive advantage.
Why would Kano add an achievement ( that so obviously helps players that chose to use loopholes from questionable acts), but remove the achievment from an option that is used by free fair players as an alternative to the conversional way of playing?
Especially when the player with the top kills in PC openly admits to having 12 *mates* helping him with just 2 of those *mates* suicideing well over 2k times (not counting the others that helped )
Noting that After it was pointed out in WC that there was not enough players in the game to get that may kills legitimately, he turned to at least one of them setting up pw kills on low level inactive accounts to get even more kills.
Last edited: Aug 11, 2015