[LCN] More Stamina Per Leveling Up

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SwiftlyInnocent, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    That is a pretty huge increase. I would lower the multiplication factor to .3 or .25. But I like that it is per level, which prevents the gap between spenders and non-spenders to grow too much (although it will still grow, since spenders level more often, so they get more of these bigger stam boosts).

    There is a risk that existing high level player will get pretty upset about the missed stamina, though.
    leon the proffesional likes this.
  2. graveyardgabby

    graveyardgabby Active Member

    Well, the higher lvls/older players may be upset that they weren't getting a bigger refill all along but, I'm sure they can at least appreciate it going further. I really don't understand all the fuss about new players, low levels, high level, spenders, etc. Everyone will benefit from this and everyone plays their own way. The resentment some people have against each "class" of player needs to be discounted when considering new ideas and the focus needs to be on what is best for the game and majority of players. All this class warfare/hatred/envy is pretty ridiculous to me and completely unnecessary.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I hope you are not trying to imply that people who buy refills of stamina several times a day are some how LESS loyal than those who bought items.

    And as far as the comment that people loaded with stamina having the upper hand - what world do you live in? It certainly is not Kong LCN as the players at the top in levels who spent more on STAMINA than att/def and buying items, they are still getting beat by people 5000-7000 levels below them. A person with low stamina can still level just as fast as a person with tons of stamina - it is just about the cost along with the number of refills. More stamina just reduces the number of refills required while sacrificing skill allocation to attack and defense as well as energy and health.

    But I guess it is human nature to lobby for the position we are in with our mobsters rather than look at the game in an unbiased perspective.
  4. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I think Foxy is arguing that both are loyal customers and neither should be given an unfair advantage.

    I agree that the stamina should be decided by level with a cap at the top end and bottom end personally.
  5. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    I won't even bother lmfao Oh btw it's a little place called Planet Earth I happen to live on...It's quite obvious you came looking for an argument but hey ho you're not getting it ;)
  6. GreatChad_Kong

    GreatChad_Kong New Member

    I would go so far as to say the opposite of that David... it all depends on what people can afford. The people who haven't played as long but have more money to spend in my opinion are less loyal than the ones who spent years working to get where they are. In all games you can get strong by either spending large sums of money or time. The ones who spent their time to get where they are instead of just dumping cash into a game deserve more respect than people who just have disposable income.
  7. StoneCK

    StoneCK Active Member

    good idea, but instead of a straight pile of stam in the account, better to give fps to use for refills when needed.
  8. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    i agree with this. i would like to think that i'm a loyal player (over 3 years), but i'm not a money spender. does that make me less valuable than those that spend more money than i do? i would hope not. regardless, this would reward everyone in a similar fashion, since it's based on level (not what you did to get to that level).

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    This thread has had many different comments and seems many people may have took offense or issue with a reply I made - And to clear that up, reread the posts I made and you will see I never said that anyone was less loyal for not spending or more loyal for spending. HOWEVER, I was making a response to a post that stated:

    "Over the years everything about this game is off balance. We now see people loaded with stamina who level quickly to get to new cities now have the upper hand. Why should someone who has lots of stamina be rewarded with more?
    Some chose to go all attack and def and garnish their account with purchased GF items...IE loyal customers."

    Notice the end of that comment was "i.e. loyal customers"??? The context of that comment seemed to refer directly back to "purchased GF items". I was simply stating that purchasing items or purchasing stamina refills is all purchased by real $$$$ and one shouldn't be more valuable than the other. I also thought it was funny that the same quote stated that "people loaded with stamina.... have the upper hand" while later they tried to insult me by calling me so weak. LOL

    And as far as how much stamina I have and how weak I am, speaking to the peanut gallery...... My goal playing this game was to reach level 10k first on Kong and to do my own thing, not worrying about how I could bully others like a few players I know..... I focused on stamina and the ability to level. I also realized from the very beginning the danger of doing like Funlover did on Kong and being one of the highest levels in the game but by far the strongest and unable to level with anyone or even play unless attacked. And since she was so strong, no one wanted to get on her rivals. Her account purchased so many limited items, not even the last few cities were of any use to her by time she reached them and she played with no possible room for improvement and became quite bored. So to the comment " There are that many weak players? lol" by Foxysiren: Yes, I leveled while remaining very weak for my level and able to be attackable and beatable by the top 30 if not by more. But I imagine I can still beat you until you have reached that point you have spent as much on Kong as you did on FB.

    And for those of you who find it difficult to spend 15k or 20k stamina in a day, good for you. I happen to be online often and have many leveling partners.... or I should say "had" as players like Davey, Fish, Smegger have quit. And even others who I used to level with like JJ, Nasty, and a few others as well have found LCN boring and quit. I also have bosses that I can drop 7k or 8k stamina on by myself, RAIDS take up more refills than I can count, and BA is a spendfest which I can do a ton of stamina and attacks for half of what most people need to spend on refills to do 1/5 of what I can do because of the massive stamina I have. So to the comment "So he uses 15k stam plus the daily everyday ? wow!" What surprises you? That I can drop 15k stamina which takes about 2-3 hours doing 5k attacks with two leveling partners? In case you need help with the math.... it takes approximately 8,333 stamina for 5k attack doing the power attack. And when you do power attacks on bosses, before you know it, there is 20k stamina. And who said I do 2 refills a day? Or is that just you trying to make a guess?

    I apologize if you are jealous that I have no life and can spend so many hours on here..... I would prefer to find something more entertaining and better use of my time, but since that is not the case, I spend most of it here leveling whenever someone is around who wants to level. Pretty sad that people can get so arrogant and critical of the success one player might have reached in a game...especially when that game is simply a pathetic way for a person to spend so much of their free time due to the lack of anything else to do.

    Anyone who complains that they only have an hour or so to play every day should be happy as if your life is on Kong, you need to find a better hobby. ;-)
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    It would be great if they made a change in the stamina per level. PERIOD. As far as retroactive stuff and stamina missed out on, that really is a second issue or topic to me. I would just be happy to see the change for the future and let if the past is the past, no worries. It is like lots of people have said about FP items..... we all bought items for 170/60 for 30 fps when we first started here on Kong 2-3 years ago. Now the same fp's is getting new players 400/200. That is just progress. I personally still think FP items should be available on a level basis..... Like you have to be level 2500 before you can purchase FP items over 600 combined strength. Before you know it, we will have 500/300 items and then 600/400 items and who will want or need boss drops or job drops? A level 1000 who spends will be more powerful than a level 20k (assuming we get players this high up in 3-4 years lol)
    StoneCK and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  11. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    also take the cap of stamina refills limiting to 5000 stamina when someone has more is a load of crap, since i found out i will not buy no more stamina partial refills. They dont want caps on raids but if you cap me from filling my 5179 stamina by only 5000 that is not fair. If i chose to have high stamina that should not mean that its limited to a refill i expect a full refill for 10 fps no matter how much i carry i will have to scarifice strength and other areas for that and i get punished again by kano by a limit cap. IF they cap this then there is no doubt they should cap raids.
    Easy To Remember likes this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Long before I reached 5000 stamina there was that rumor that stamina did not refill more than 5000. It was just a "myth" that proved to be incorrect. I get a full refill every time and I get full stamina when I use the big boost every day as well. Not sure how that rumor got started but it has been going around for a very long time.
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    There is no cap on the refill for Stamina purchased with FP in Mob Wars - LCN. @Jamey Kean I will answer your refill question about VC in the thread you started to keep this particular thread on topic. :)
  14. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    thanks for the info i will go and check it out :)
  15. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    I agree 100% and have mentioned this in the past - really, what can anyone do with only 50 Stamina (especially the higher level players)!? I believe Energy should be given in the same way - that is, based on a percentage of your maximum Energy at the time you level! This would also encourage players to increase their maximum Energy (and Stamina) because the more they have, the more they would get each time they leveled! Please Kano, listen to what your customers have been saying for SO long now and make some kind of change to the amounts of Stamina & Energy given out on each level-up! :mad:
    ThaMan and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  16. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    If people choose to put all of their Skill Points into Energy and/or Stamina because it is given based on a percentage of your maximum, then they are really going to suffer when it comes to Bosses and PvP Attacking/Defending, so let them! Besides, people could do that same thing the way it is now to cash in on a HUGE Boost if they choose to do so, but again, you would most definitely suffer in other areas of the game!
    ThaMan and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  17. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Thanks Easy I agree with ya the need to up it from 50 and do a % based on ur total :)
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  18. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

  19. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    XP needed to reach the next level depends on the level : so for XP given per leveleving up, the best is to apply a formula with the level too.
  20. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    No problem @Jamey Kean - I have been advocating for a change in the amounts of Stamina & Energy given upon leveling for a long time now. Although we both know that the players we have talked with regarding this issue are all in agreement with our proposed change (or at least in agreement for the need to increase the amount of Stamina received upon leveling in SOME way), we should try to get them voicing their opinions here in this Thread (or Submit a Ticket), so Kano can see how big of an issue this is with players across the board! When everyone demanded more XP for the Raid Bosses, Kano listened and made the change - we need to do the same here, as this issue has been LONG overdue for change! Power in numbers.. ;)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015

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