Hahahaha , unfortunately Black Hawk does NOT come back and do more then 10 million in damage and YES these raids get killed so he is just SANDBAGGING...... Gat , you keep running your mouth about tasty who yes is a sandbagger but look at tasty's level and look at Black Hawks level.... Black Hawk is a way bigger sandbagger then ANYONE on Mobwars LCN.
My average? lol..... the minimum I do in a raid is 20 million.... Most of them I do 30 million and then there are ones that I have to do 100 to 150 million because of sandbaggers like Black Hawk.... I don't go out and join as many as possible and then do pathetic amounts of damage like Black Hawk does....I join just enough to make sure I do a very fair share in any that I am in... SO people STOP letting Black Hawk in your raids...... He is a the worst sandbagger in all of Mob Wars LCN and ruins the entire raid....
Why does NO one understand its NOT a public raid that I am speaking of? I get a personal invite to a raid so I join and then Black Hawk get a invite to the same raid and now I am stuck in a raid with a massive sandbagger.... What do I do? Not do my fair share in the raid cause I know Black Hawk will 100% sandbag the boss and ruin it for all the members so now there is multiple people ruining the boss? Nope... I have to stick it out and pick up all the slack from Black Hawk and sandbaggers just like him. Black Hawk sandbags on purpose.... He knows that most other members will pick up his massive amount of sandbagging slack. So if you get a invite to a raid boss and you see that Black Hawk is in it do NOT join that raid.... and if Black Hawk joins a raid that you are already in , well get ready to do a massive amount of damage cause Black Hawk will NOT do a fair share. Its that simple. So in order to stop anyone from having to deal with a sandbagger like Black Hawk just do NOT make your raid boss public and do NOT send Black Hawk a personal invite to any of them.
Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2015