the point im making is that with no boss fights we got level we are now 2800 in 500+ days and when boss fights come out some players got the same levels and much more like 3400 in 30 days ... i think this is way to easy ...
i think boss is good for drops but not good to get lots experience points !! boss should be more about different items and ideas ... its a Viking Game all about fight to other Viking on battle page so that's how we get battle experience when get high levels.. !! i don't see any battle experience from boss fight ....
this game need more thinking and sorted out in order what option gives what !!
battle give exp
boss give items and exp again?
bounty trap gives exp again?
counters give exp again?..
its but to much exp we need new item achievements for each game play option !! other way will get boring if all its the same
Last edited: Sep 26, 2010