
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by The_Jay, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. The_Jay

    The_Jay Member

    ...can someone 3 times my level bounty list me when I have done literally nothing to them? I thought you had to attack somone of a higher level bracket for them to be able to do anything to you. But this chick just comes along, pistol whips me then bounties me. Kinda crap is that? Are they that much of a pansy that they can't fight people thier own level?
  2. Anyone can pistol whip you or lay a bounty on you. They cannot attack or cagematch you if they are out of range. What they are doing is standing up for someone in their clan who is at a lower level. This is how the game is played.

    And if someone of a higher level like that gets you, don't attack or whip them in return because you will open up a window for them to attack you.
  3. Angel

    Angel Member

    bullshit° if I want to hitlist someone some level below, this message appears:
    ***** be out of your experience range and cannot be placed on the bounties list.

    I was put on the hitlist today 2 times by someone 800 Levels above and I am sure that I didnt attack him or pistol whipped him in the first place.

    Maybe this is some kind of bug or a script, that some people are using?
  4. Vampryss

    Vampryss Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    If you are over level 300 anyone can place a bounty on you. But you are limited to placing bounties on levels under 300 or 250 if you are higher than they are. I'm not sure exactly what the levels are but I know its 250-300.
  5. Angel

    Angel Member

    this cannot be. I asked one of my members, who is at level 2ksomething to hitlist the guy and he answered me, that he can't hitlist him unless he was attacked oO
  6. im over level 2500 and i can list level 300 and higher for no reason at all if i wanted to.
  7. The_Jay

    The_Jay Member

    Personally, I find that as complete BS. Mind your own business, get listed for no reason, retaliate against them afterwards and you open yourself up for them to stomp you into a mud hole. Real fair that. And obviously I'm not the only one that thinks that way.
  8. i dont list for no reason though.i'll list someone at that level for 3 reasons.

    1 is if they mess with me first(not a smart idea)
    2 is if they disrespect unlock messages in a boss(i couldnt care for unlocks but respect those that want them)
    3 is if they keep bothering my clan over and over again.if your gonna mess with someone that has no chance against you,then try messing with me
  9. Angel

    Angel Member

    and why people (level 2500) tell me, that they cannot hitlist others (level 1000) without being attacked in the first place? :confused:
  10. no idea.but anytime your on myspace pirate clan,take a look at bounty constantly listing for the 3 reasons i mentioned.
  11. Angel

    Angel Member

    yeah I know, and I would have asked you to, to take revenge for me, but obviously you dont wanne be in my clan :rolleyes:
  12. All I know is that I'm getting upset at someone in my range. They keep having people under level 100 list me and I am losing max xp each time. Are ethey losing xp when I kill them with attacks or pistol whips?
  13. any death results in exp loss so yes when you kill them they lose exp even the pistol whip kills should be taking exp.
  14. There is an XP range for bounties though it is an extremely liberal one. (At least in VC there is, idk about pirate cause I don't have the income or the strength yet to go about listing people there) My guess is it's that you can't list someone who is 10% or less of your level because the breaking point with me sits somewhere in the 200s. I only list on request from clan members though, usually because said person is harassing them with unyielding attacks. My own rivals I prefer to fight toe to toe provided both of us are capable of hitting each other.
  15. The_Jay

    The_Jay Member

    Well I know it jus happed again to me in VC... Some moron by the name Clam Hammer bountied me outta the blue. He's 1424th level and I'm 315th. I know for a fact that I haven't done anything to him, but yet he's able to come long and bounty me for no reason, and I just have to take it because I'm not strong enough to take him on. I think that's the reason th higher levels do it, is because they're pansies in their own level bracket and can't compete. So they troll around to find someone high enough to list but too low to fight back.
    Bunch of friggin punks/buillies that would have their accounts stripped if I had any say.
    If they can't outright attack out of a certain bracket, they shouldn't be able to list out of that bracket either,
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  16. no its prolly cause you messed with there clan and there i mentioned in one of my replies to this i look after clan of all levels.if your in my range and messing with clan i will list.mess with someone your beating too easily or listing them repeatedly then try your luck with the #2 rank.

    and level actually dont matter,if you have a much larger size and higher attack/defense you just might pull off a win.ive never done it with that big a gap but ive done it when i was 600 levels lower than someone.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  17. level 300 is when your open game for everyone to list.
  18. The_Jay

    The_Jay Member

    OK... I appreciate someone sticking up for them (if that's the case). I wish I had someone looking out for me like that. However, (imo) that is what organized families are for. So if they aren't in a family (again imo) retaliation should fall to the person that they are getting 'picked' on. Now... I do not cruise the fight list daily. MAYBE every other day I find myself trying to find a few more fight wins on my way to another achievement... Then some rod-munch comes along, thinks I'm being to much of an over-achiever and with out knowing what's really going on, lists me. When they were doing the same thing a few months (or longer) ago that I'm doing right now... trying to climb the ladder. Hypocrite, or something else, are they?
    In closing:
    1)isn't that wht the fight list is there for?
    2)the list desn't change that fast, so people are going to be getting fought often.
  19. i agree with you that further up in levels results in a much smaller fight list.however its just the way the game is played.if someone takes exception to there clan being over attacked they will get involved.
  20. That person is in my clan and he has admitted to listing random ppl just to get his bounty tally up. It's nothing personal. I've asked him to cease and desist on a few of my other clan members and he's agreed to it.

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