Abuse on Boss Notes

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Raforta Stronghawk, Sep 20, 2010.

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  1. Time and time again certain people are using the Boss notes as a verbal abuse battle ground - which at timesgets really personal and to be perfectly honest, is totally unacceptable. We have gone from using my space comments to actual game play now - is it all nescessary? Comments made are vulgar and nothing to do with the game itself most of the time - I personally don't mind fun communication through the notes - but these are aimed at individuals on a more personal level and have no place in game - reports have been made to Kano before but nothing sems to have been done - but action needs to be taken now to stop this stupidity. I am taking drastic measures to remove myself as far away from this as possible ( although as I am attacked persistantly anyway it won't make much difference!!) I am removing myself from any clan that have these people in theirs - i do not want any more to do with such idiotic rubbish!! Got an acusation people - prove it!!!

  2. find this from old post on pirate clan .. the same was one viking clan forum but some one removed lol..
  3. thing is though that doesnt work in boss feeds.now if there was a "ignore" feature in boss feeds that would be awesome
  4. if its on some one else feed than thats up to that player to remove or not ... but if its on your boss feed or private message you can remove and no more messages lol
  5. Lady Jewels

    Lady Jewels Member

    Boss fights

    It is nice to see the subject taken so lightly. Both from management and from fellow players.
  6. The particular people in question that are placing these comments are NOT clan of mine - but are abusive about various people including me - on other Boss notes or members of my clans notes - which i can then see. I am aware about notes received on vc messaging and how to deal with them - They should not be saying this stuff in the first place!!
  7. why is anything allowed to be said on boss feeds anyways?

    that basically(and is)the same thing as allowing open messaging to everyone clan or not.
    equals the same exact thing.only one that should be allowed to comment on the boss feed is the player that started the boss.
  8. Lady Jewels

    Lady Jewels Member

    As always a few who cannot seem to control themselves make it unbearable for others or make implements necessary that should not be necessary for adult behavior.
  9. its good way to communicate and its important ..!!

    i think we need delete option for each boss feed comment ...
    so player can remove his own comment from any feed and player who is owner of boss can delete any comment friends left ... will be more easy and if some one dont like comment can send private message to player who is owner of that boss and ask him to remove that comment from boss feed..
  10. thats ideal but ideal usually dont happen.dont get me wrong here good idea but too simple where it wont be comprehended by those with a brain the size of a pea.
  11. well its just to make game better and with more options is more interesting to play :D

    will look some like this...

    Attached Files:

  12. I don't think the people responsible have even that amount of intelligence! - normal comments may be acceptable - as Para commented- it is sometimes a good way of communicating. But this is a situation whereby people are becoming abusive and personal - which is NOT acceptable - so needs to be intercepted and dealt with. Again, we have a situation whereby certain people are interupting game play with idiotic behaviour.
  13. should be really really and i cant say enough really simple.
    say something abusive once get a warning.
    say it twice,get frozen for 48hrs.
    say it 3 times and permanently frozen.
  14. Lady Jewels

    Lady Jewels Member

    Abuse in any form should not be tolerated. Some means to end the abuse should be taken immediately. It has gone on too long already. When people take it into game play, it becomes unacceptable. If they cannot control themselves, others will have to control it for them. Simply put.
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I Think that the boss feeds are great, they are a good way of communicating ones wishes for their boss and also just a fun way to communicate with clan and to even speak with others who r not clan. I think its a great idea for each player to have a delete option on their own boss feed.

    I agree that the boss feeds are often abused by players who use vulgar language, start rumors or to slam on other players. To be completely honest...I myself have been guilty on more than one occasion to poke fun at other players using sarcasm on the boss feeds and would like to take this opportunity to apologize to these players and the players whos feeds i left these comments on, I've acted immature and I apologize.

    With that said...... They're is a certain number of players who routinely take these abuses to ever increasing levels in these feeds, mypace, IMs and even here in the forums. These players certainly need to be dealt with. Some amount of poking and prodding is indeed fun and promotes rivalries that r needed in a game such as this....but as stated previously....Some r taking this way to far and are seemingly going unchecked as their abuses seem to be more and more frequent and inappropriate. So I for one.....call on Kano to be more proactive in their endeavors on curbing the flagrant abuses by these players who are routinely spewing forth hatred and lies.
  16. as i mentioned earlier

    should be really really and i cant say enough really simple.
    say something abusive once get a warning.
    say it twice,get frozen for 48hrs.
    say it 3 times and permanently frozen.

    this would be perfect.3 strikes your out regardless of how much time has passed since the first two times.
  17. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Couple quick notes:

    1. With the current implementation we hoped that having the Boss Owner responsible for keeping their feed clean by removing those people from their clan that they found were not using the feed to play the game. We will take this a step further and add a delete option to each post so that the boss owner has more control over their feed to keep it clean. If you find that a boss owner is not taking enough action you can always de-clan yourself from that individual to remove yourself from those comments.

    2. We will be modifying the boss link in the near future so that it will change each time and not be as public to everyone in your clan, they will only gain access if you post a new link on your feed or have sent them the new link directly. This will happen in the next week or so as we will need to keep backwards compatibility for the bosses that are currently active. But this change should help some past concerns with friends joining a boss fight that they never invited anyone too.

    If after implementing those 2 changes this is still an issue we are open to suggestions, we do not want to get rid of the feed all together as it does serve as an important social aspect to that feature where friends can chat about whatever they like, hopefully it has to do with bosses.
  18. so no more clicking an old boss link and joining the new battle if no link for that battle was posted?am i reading this right?if i am then good move.
  19. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    That is correct, we will have to phase this in over the next week as we do not want to disrupt current boss battles. Expect to see it live and in action shortly.
  20. thank you.that was a change that was needed.as well as that delete option for boss owner.
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