What is this and why I cant buy FP?

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Darth Vader, May 18, 2015.

  1. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    Buy Favor Points!

    Select a package and use Favor Points to unlock special items, energy refills, stamina refills and more!

    Invalid or unknown data received, processing cancelled.
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    If you're having difficulty with purchases, please contact Support if you haven't already! :)
  3. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    Ticket ID: UDE-575-26263
    Department: Viking Clan
    Type: Question or Feedback

    This is an automated notification. Please Do Not Reply to this Email.

    You can VIEW or REPLY TO your ticket by logging in to your Support Center profile at Support.KanoApps.com
  4. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    I can not find any answer why all this transfer?In my KANO prifile nothing in response to my e-mail also !
  5. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    let me know what you find out, darth, i'm having the same problem.
  6. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    When I mark how many FP I want to buy and click Purchase Now then its wont load and there is msg :
    Invalid or unknown data received, processing cancelled.!!!
  7. Tony Montana

    Tony Montana Well-Known Member

    I seem to have the same when I went to look for you
  8. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    What network are you on (Facebook, Kano Play, Kong/Armor) and are you using Trial Pay or PayPal, or some other system?
  9. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    So I just went and looked at this, and that message ("Invalid or unknown data received, processing canceled") shows up when you go to make a purchase but then hit the cancel button. Is anyone unable to complete transactions when they follow it through?
  10. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    I use facebook and Pay Safe card
  11. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    I successfully bought 50 FP now I am trying to bought another 50 FP but does not open when I click Purchase Now there is again this msg :
    Invalid or unknown data received, processing cancelled.
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Checked in with the developers and there doesn't seem to be any larger issues with purchases on our end. This may be a Facebook issue. However, we will definitely keep an eye on it. Thanks for letting us know. :)
  13. Darth Vader

    Darth Vader Active Member

    This is appears in seconds and disappears then showing the message
    Invalid or unknown data received, processing cancelled.
    I rejoin, reload and did everything it is still the some

    Attached Files:

  14. JARVIN

    JARVIN Active Member

    i get a similar message on kong when i try to buy a crate package. this has been going on for weeks, and it does not seem to matter what platform you play on. i guess you won't get our money anymore.
    Darth Vader likes this.
  15. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    The payment systems on Kong and Facebook Canvas are completely separate and unique to those platforms. If you haven't submitted a ticket to support about this with details of these errors please do so. In the meantime I will confirm on Kongregate that the crates are working as intended when doing a direct purchase with $USD.

    EDIT: There was an issue with the Crates for $USD on Kongregate that has now been fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience.
    Last edited: May 21, 2015

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