How about forcing a re-spawn on wm players hourly? It gets a bit boring when you have players who kill themselves and stay dead all day. Also I don't like the idea that under level players can be hitlisted then killed for wp's (hitlist won't give wp's but killing does). It only encourages cheaters to keep making more alts.
Not sure about forcing to heal, but yeah, War Mode requires some touch to make it better. The current situation with alts-to-win is disappointing and totally not what one would expect from such event.
Autohealing no way but yes, annoying to see alt listings and alts awakening for chainlisting by the same player.
Being one of the loudest revelers for War Mode i say ...NO fair is that ..?? For those who watch their stats..thats a death stat that they have no control of or even a chance to defend themselves...BAD idea....Everyone plays WM their own way...yes many are dead all thru the day and evening...ALL im gonna say is ...apparently you have no idea how to play in War Mode...if the war list is your only resource for War Mode Points... no stars from me...sorry..
That was the biggest part of the change to the Battle Arena that ruined that sub game in VC..freaking respawn ...ppffftt
Well I suppose I don't know how to play, I only pull in 1.8k points/day on kong, and roughly 7k/day fb. But still if players care about stats they shouldn't be wm. Just my opinion.
I see that the tag for this is speaking for can have it for LCN...we surly do not want it in VC...
yes because we all know changes never get bumped to other platforms"cough arena" this is why I pay attention to lcn and zs a lil bit. remember when noone paid attention during arena trials in vc?