[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I was told to make it simple, SIMPLE ? Forget each the overall xp for leveling and ask yourself this---If i had to spend 30-40 fps for 1 lvl would you say the raids are great?
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  2. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    also i join a boss for 5,300 xp, i get 5300 for 20 stamina, I spend 100 stamina 8,000 kill reward total 5300 x 5 =26500 + 5300 = 31500 + 8000 = 39,500 xp for a regular boss at 100 stamina , raid 20 stamina 6200-- 100 stamina 5 x 6200 = 31000 xp total for 100 stamina plus 50 energy cost for this, so yea i can get better xp off of regular boss's so for us uppers jumping in grabbing min. is really about the best bet for us :)
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Just to clarify, I wasn't disagreeing with your take on what you want kano to do,( you seem to think I am ,unless I am misunderstanding the attitude :p) we are having a discussion here, if you feel what you want is better, good luck with that, I was only saying I don't crunch numbers, in a game , numbers are not my thing,and I don't need them to play a clicky game,for some,I imagine that might be fun, for others not so important, for me , it is a game to have fun with, If I wanted to strain my Brain more ,I would work at my job 24/7, for me the games give my brain a much needed vacation. You also don't run the forum,so telling myself or others where or when we post is not nice :p
  4. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Just looking at things from the flipside...

    With the raids offering xp that seems to get exponentially worse going up in levels will that not mean that there are more players at a similar level as time goes by?

    Is that not a good thing?
    Kirsten likes this.
  5. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    yes and no but when we look at it that would be like getting different xp ratio for the challenges people would complain alot about that if you ended up get less as you go up, that aint right it all ready harder to level so you wanna take the xp and make it worse. that's how alot see it, then on the flip side you have some spent 5 years sweat and blood playing a person vs person game to get where we are then for them to drop a event that you can do the same in less than a 1 yr is not fair to the older players either where was this bonus when we started we didnt have challenges, sw's, ba, and now raids like you newbies do to help ease the pain to level. We arent asking for equal xp ratio but we would like it bumped up to where we dont spend 30 to 40 fps per level
    Easy To Remember and Xipe Totec like this.
  6. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    I have no problem in lower levels getting a better return than higher levels. If they don't, kano wont have a food chain to survive on in the long run. When those low levels get closer to your level they will run into the same issues, that you are having, so what is the problem?
    Blue Nose and Kirsten like this.
  7. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    My point exactly. Only more succinct.
  8. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Problem is many of us never had raids to level on when we were lower levels, so we did not get any drops (which are better than GF items I have purchased in the past) ..Lower levels and I now know as I did 600 levels on kong as a really low level without breaking a sweat. Yes back to what I was going to say which was I would be stronger now if I would have had raids to do as a lower level. I'd love to do raids now on Facebook Lcn as a player over level 6k but I just cannot see the point. Basically and no i'm not complaining because it never gets you anywhere the fact is they are just not fairly set up for anyone over level 4500.
    Try it out for yourselves and start one of the other kano games and see how easy it is to level it will annoy the hell out of you :p
    Mi7ch you did say something you were going to explain to us why the xp had not been put in line with what lower levels got?
  9. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I'm only level 2500 ish so can't begin to understand the situation people 5k+ find themselves in.

    Having said that... I welcome the competition of the people flying up the levels below and around me.

    I think it's good for the game in general, it's kind of a shame that those who levelled prior to the raids didn't have this tool at their disposal but that's the nature of the game, always evolving.

    If I started again now I think I'd be at my level in half the time and my stockpile would have more quickly filled out with better weapons off the bosses that are now flooding the game.

    That's just the nature of it. It's always going to be easier for those who come later.
  10. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Well Foxy, I have seen you level, since we are in the same sync and I do understand why it can be annoying to look at, if you are a high level. But to be honest, what is the point of being a god in a game, and have no one to fight. Yes, you might level like crazy in the beginning, hopefully getting you hooked. But since you still have to go a very loooong way to get up the level latter, it will take a loong time for them to get anywhere close to your level on fb :)
    I would actually think that high levels (I am only around level 4k myself) would find it more annoying if they changed the way you gain xp, so that it require less for higher levels to level. Because THEN you could talk about new players gaining a really unfair advantage. Right now those new players will complain when they get to level 4,5,6k , and you will most likely only be around 8k at that time, but still way stronger :)
    Kirsten and Blue Nose like this.
  11. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    To be perfectly honest I have not seen a given reason as to why this is happening on Lcn. Now I have seen both sides of the fence I love raids for a low level and hate them for a high level. Surely we should all have the same equal xp ratio all across the levels.
    I have also noticed 5k attacks now does not give 6 levels where as it once did under level 6k but that's another story!
  12. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    I do believe that high levels should get a lower return of xp on raids compared to lower levels, but as it is now, the gap is too wide
    Blue Nose likes this.
  13. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    This! I think it should gradually become less easy to level. As with the rest of the game.
    Dcasso likes this.
  14. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    thank you Foxy im so tired of the raids all they did was split the gaming community and really messed it all up.
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  15. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    and im tired of everyone under lvl 4500 commenting on level 4500 and up problem's, until you walk a mile in our shoes and undertand, I dont go to PC forums and complain and say opposite of what a lvl 12,000 is saying because i have no right to even open my mouth i dont know there xp for a lvl, I dont know the xp for attacking boss's, if i dont know any of the stat's how the hell you going reply its simple, be like a mechanic go to a bank and try to tell them how the bank should be ran even tho he never ran a bank or dealt with money so how could he possible even know, half the battle is knowing and most you dont know. and yes im getting heated cause kano is letting this go on and on.
    5000 attacks dont get me 2 lvls what you talking about its 6000 stamina and 1500 energy for 1 lvl
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  16. Aardvark

    Aardvark Orycteropus Afer

    Raid Boss Alert: The Hacker Ring returns April 16


    No major changes from the previous Raid Boss other than the normal adjustment to Health (Boss and Party) that happen each time.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2015
  17. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    well that was expected :)
  18. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I was led to believe it started on the 16th?
    Kirsten likes this.
  19. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    hmm Yes it is usually a Thursday , which would be the 16th hmmmmm,interesting
  20. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I coincided my dailies so I have all 7 energy dailies tomorrow. If the raids aren't starting I will cry.

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