Raid 5- Technofascists

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Xipe Totec, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. robbin gordon

    robbin gordon Well-Known Member

    has anyone else noticed that this techno-fascist raid chick looks like pippi longstocking on 'roids ?

    mitch.... you said you have some new artists, right ? i think you're overpaying them... this raid character is truly poor.
    S E T H likes this.
  2. S E T H

    S E T H Active Member

    LMAO i thought it looked more like a human version of the cyber ninja and some of the drops are just pumped up versions of items you can already get, same with some of the "new" limited quantity items.
  3. Nice to see you guys got your priorities in order. The raid party was screaming for a lower health base and a bigger chance of getting killed while attacking the boss. Lower energy? "Not gonna happen". More XP for higher levels? "Are ye havin' a laugh?" Can we make sure it's easier for the raid party to be killed? "Of course, that's a brilliant idea!"
    Aapje, Guardian Angel and foxysiren like this.
  4. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Yeah for next round we will see that they still could not fix xp, but at least they could double the raid boss health so it will last longer :)
  5. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Just to be sure Mitch, if we start asking for the opposite of what us users want, will we then get what we actually want?
  6. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    'It's small solace to say that the Raids offers what amounts to some of the best XP in the game currently'

    I get 356xp for 1 stam attack on a raid. I'm level 6500.
    Friend gets 380xp 1 stam attack on a raid and he's level 8400.
    I get well over 700xp in a pvp.
    Haven't done BA for a while but I'm sure that would probably offer me more aswell on attacks and placing with a reward.

    I know you understand what we are trying to tell the devs Mi7ch but do the devs actually understand and have they experimented on higher level accounts to see what we are talking about?
    Somewhere and I do not know what level it is the xp does not go up equally with the amount of xp needed to level hence the 'higher' levels are getting a really raw deal. Yup we keep moaning but it's because we actually want to do the raids but in the current state they are in it's just not viable.
    robbin gordon and Xipe Totec like this.
  7. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I give up voicing my thought about these raids and kano, they are really pulling someone chains, was teased about xp raise. Ok we dealt, the health we didnt like they fixed was great not enough raids died so they lowered it said we got to attack to much but now since i carry so high amount of stam and energy i was average about 10 fps for a lvl but now they set up you have its costing me double if it wasnt my own damn raid i would give 2 stones about. IF xp for stamina aint raised then get rid of energy for healing xp there is well stupid since healing is such a big part the att and heal should have equall xp and i dont mean cut in half either but you know what i have learned that no matter what we voice about the game, Mitch may care but the developers and whoever else running you want are thoughts about things but I feel like not you mitch but the others spit on our suggestions and laugh at them and basically do the opposite. Thanks for a messed up feature again. Thought of the day!!!!!!! dont fix what aint broken
  8. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    and what's funny is that low to mid level players don't have the resources to put raids down. you need the higher levels to help out, but if the xp is half of what i would get in a fight or a normal boss, why would i bother? players must be spending like crazy otherwise kano wouldn't keep releasing them each month or whatever the heck the schedule is.
  9. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    IF i have to buy energy refill to continue the raids and keep attacking why does the newbies get a few run without the penalty of energy refill cost is Kano really t
    Level 4000 is where the xp total sucks, anyone under they level fast enough to have energy left our of the 500 they get for free so in turn anyone under 4000 basically dont have to buy a energy refill, not fair to high level players if this is the case then energy needs to be raised for higher levels fair is fair i should be able to attack a raid and not spend on energy either I should not suffer paying to play cause my high level... We ask for a bump in xp not equal, we mention things we see totally unfair, I just wish for once someone would play a lvl 2000 mobbie and do raids then same person goes and plays a lvl 8000 mobbie and then you can see where most is coming from. I for one will never do another raid till they compromise on the xp, and now the health of the raids, kano needs to work on on aspect at a time they adjust att this time group heal is slighltyl less i give them that but then overall group health too major dump in my eyes i wouldnt have the attack adjusted if the health had to suffer. Thanks for listen
    robbin gordon likes this.
  10. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    You will see major decline each raid of top tier players joining
  11. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    i see a 90% failure rate and if thats the case kano will not see alot of people open anymore raids and it is become a waste of the devleopers time to even fix it now I dont see anything that they can do but scrap the whole thing and look for something else cause this aint working
  12. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    I am at level 3750 and I clearly do not get energy enough to compensate so the level 400 or under isn't correct. It is lower, how much I do not know.
  13. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

  14. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Meant to write 4000 :) but I totally agree with the problem you mentioned :)
  15. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I got the just of it Dcasso :)
  16. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    i see there are much fewer raids going this time round already. that should say it all
  17. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    Did anyone actually give feedback that it should be easier for the raid party to die? Because I can't imagine this.
  18. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    From Mi7Ch

    So I was given incorrect information earlier regarding Boss health. Here is the correct information:

    Base Raid Party Health is purposefully much lower on this Raid Boss than previous ones. This is a way for the developers to change the overall difficulty between events. The amount that a person adds when they join a Raid Party is based on their stats, not on the base Health of the Raid party, so that has not changed for this event.

    It does take less attacks to kill the Raid Party this time around, but only in the neighborhood of a few attacks, so this isn't a significant difference from last time. What is making the difference is the overall lower base Health.

    Again apologies for the misinformation as I was working on incorrect data given to me. I've let the developers know that this lower base Raid Health is not very fun and I'll try to get them to change it for a future event.
  19. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    alright as it stand i am tired of raid killers i asked a group to post and help still a dumb guy did it 2 times in a row within a minute or 2, the health is crazy high and it still happen, i am very mad at the wasted fps on my own raid i opened a 2nd for fun and try to push these raids but I should not suffer the xp lost and my friends that didnt kill it either shouldnt i say 1 time killed they are not allowed to any more this season and have to wait till next set of raids for punishment, this would stop any done on purpose too, you have a stall time and it warns countless times when you you are about to kill a raid. do this you are being nothing but a a**hole and come on now that how syndicate has a few players pissed at them cause 1 person being a complete jerk, these things take way to much stamina and fps to do and the xp for my lvl sucks really but i still push to do these and then i get shafted and wasted about 50 to 60 gfps on this I will not participate anymore sense that was a waste of fps. thanks for trying with something new kano but i think if you still let people kill them off then they should be the ones that receive the penalty not me.......
  20. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I don't mind the raids, but I have noticed that not as many are helping out on regular bosses as usual. I've been using all of my resources to try to help one down myself, and now I may not be able to kill my own boss. Now I have a choice: let my boss expire or let the raid expire.

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