What game are you playing? I've never seen xp per stamina payout better than normal play. Quicker yes, more absolutely not.
really? that's disappointing. i thought the xp was a little better, but i never really compared it to regular battles or bosses.
There really is no reason not to join, even if you dont play. You'll never compete with someone who pays to play, but thats the same as every other part of the game.
not really. at least they can't get free xp off you in the regular game unless you're stupid enough to attack them. in the arena, there are no level restrictions, so the level gaps are increasingly wider each time between those that pay and those that don't.
it helps the game if u join BA cuz when more ppl participate in it -> looks like more activity in general -> attracts more players in general. exp reward is nothing big but at least fast and free.
It also helps confuse Kano about the popularity of their features. I've seen them brand features a success despite the majority being negative about it. They probably think participation equals popularity. It's understandable of course, but at the same time it's blatant ignoring of the feedback and the small factor that you simply can't afford to boycott any features if you want to keep up (especially raid bosses). How many would actually join if you remove the entry XP? I'll raise my hand and say I'm guilty of bringing more confusion to Kano. I told them I wouldn't participate in BA again but that lasted until yesterday (so full boycott of 3-4 BA's since the new change) – although I only used my saved stam + boost (so 3k attacks in total) because I didn't have anything else to waste it on and it was a perfect starting time for me. I still hate the changes though. I only joined to dump my stam, not have fun with a previously interesting feature. I'm sorry Kano for the confusion that must have created (or comments like "oh there's the boy who cried wolf again complaining about BA) but it also shows you how important is to actually listen to feedback instead of completely trust statistics. I still maintain that they have completely destroyed Battle Arena – a feature they didn't come up with in the first place.
Captain, personally I like the new BA, I understand why ppl hate the changes and I only luv it for the fact that u cant rank top3 anymore with 0 kills and 100 actions. I'm sure the solution is somewhere in between the old and new system. However, what bugs us the most is the feeling that Kano doesnt care anymore although the money spent on mob wars should b decent income per month.
I can see why some like it as it feels "right" that the person who spends more should get a better rank but at the same time they didn't exactly have to completely destroy it. One of the best aspects of this PvP (yes, hard to imagine it being that now) game was that the non-spender could outsmart the big spender. Now that's impossible. I was one of those that use to spend a bit on Battle Arenas just because it was a fun event, where in addition to the obvious spending you had to be tactical to get the best rank as possible. It also gave everyone (attack, def or stam characters) a chance to do well. Poaching is always annoying when it happens but atleast it made it interesting. I'm not sure which platform you play on but I don't think I've ever seen anyone with a minimum number of attacks rank top 10 on FB, let alone top 3. They could easily have adjusted the minimum number of attacks required to get a good rank, but no, they decided to completely overhaul it to a boring clickfest. Where the only tactical aspects consists of finding targets that gives you better points/health. Which even isn't that hard.
I am not really sure about this new BA it's just another way for Kano to make money. U r going to have to drop 25-50 bucks or more if u want to do well. Great way to level and its great to see lower levels being able to win it now instead of the same old high levels But for someone like Peter Week what ever his name is aka Kicka who spends more on this game than anybody EVER could or should now he has a way to win this BA pretty much anytime he decides to open up the deep pocket he has.
yeah, this seems to be a trend, unfortunately. once again, i gave it my best shot and got nothing besides a level or two. i don't expect to win or rank in the top 10 or anything, but it sucks that it seems that the majority of the rankings are going to spenders, and non-spenders really no chance of realistically accomplishing anything in the game.
Okay so here is the issue. And i proved the point in this new style. 1 kill will over 2000 hits. For the brawl part. Left it at that. When sudden death came around i did another few hits or so. And then went into def mode just to test something myself. Well when i was killed off in arena i was in the 10th spot. However since i didn't have all the points accumulated as someone else does with this new feature it bumped me back to being in the 100s spot. Even though my actual rank was number 10. It's where i died it should have been the spot your given. Brawl phase should just be that in itself if you want to hit the hell out of one another go for it but this point system is stupid. Now the Battle arena can only be won by who decides to have the biggest wallet that week and wants to spend it for arena. Kano's claim to arena. Anyone can win a high level or low level if you know what your doing doesn't apply here anymore in this feature. Not to mention also the battle drops in arena have become worse and worse where they are just dropping the lower end ones many high level players don't use anymore. And since Kano keeps pushing the crafting issue back and not listening to players this will be another feature soon to have only 400 if not less joining arena. Good job to whoever wins arena now you earned it by opening your wallet and that is all.
yeah, i still get an okay ranking, but i've given up on trying to beat the spenders. if you're not lucky enough to get at least 1 kill, you can forget it. and you'll probably need at least 2 or 3 to get into the top 100.
PC arena was whacked for rewards Jon LOL. Look at this, I can't believe even placed. http://i.imgur.com/kXYHRPk.png
Yep its sad its going to get even more sad in the game when all it is is who has the bigger wallet to win. What Kano fails to realize yeah you might be raking in money right now. But with only a small faction of players taking advantage of raids the new arena format and whatever else cash cow idea they have coming down the pipeline will only work for so long until the non paying players or the players who pay just a little amount at times allows the big fishes to have the game and say aloha and find some new company to go play.
I played 10 minutes got 4 kills and that was it, only cause I was hungry and I did well for that time, even got a reward What I do notice since the change,is that everyone is active no one is ranking with the old way of 100 min attacks and hiding defense mode, at least on the FB platform,that is a big improvement. Maybe the changes don't suit everyone and it was more change that was even suggested , but as far as money, it has always been who could spend in most areas of the game, I only see the raids as the exception,the lowers can level at lighting speed , spending almost nothing the mid level players who feel the need to go up thousands of levels are prob the ones spending the most,( and for the most part are just as weak as they were thousands of levels lower before raids) by this time most smart players would have worked their skill points into energy and stamina so they don't have to spend like crazy people. Anyway that is my observation but I still feel the raids are not good for the game overall.
i'm fine w/ the bigger wallet wins but give the non spenders a decent chance to finish well imo... and don't even get me started on the raids,lol
nope. kano doesn't care what you think unless you open your wallet. so whip out those cards, everyone!
Gotta agree with Jarvin. As much as i like playing Kano games. Seen way to many companies ruin their games going this route. And i hope Kano isn't going to ruin it before its to late.
that's a little harsh. i'm still playing, and i don't plan to quit anytime soon. it's just not as much fun anymore since there are 2 classes of players, those who pay and those who don't. a few months or so ago, non-paying players could get lucky and get a halfway decent ranking, and occasionally fight back against stronger players. now the disparity is so great, non-paying players can't even get lucky anymore.
When we asked them to do something about the 100 attacks and hide part of the old arena, I dont think any of us thought this was what they were going to come up with. It basically removed any requirement to have invested in defence at all. Whilst I wasnt the biggest fan of "the hiders", it was relevant to the way they had allocated skills. Maybe we should all be allowed a free reset of our stats to reflect the way the game has now gone, because the goalposts have definitely been shifted!