I was wondering if anyone knows where the damage comes from. I mean, the exact code/formula/function which shows how the amount of attack and health increases the amount of damage dealt and the opposers defense decreases it. I'd like to know how the system works
Ouch. Can you even give a hint on the influence of those three perks on a fight against another mobster or a boss? Which one is the most important? And is defense important at all at raids? It only shows the attack I have...
I can only tell you what the in-game Help documentation does (like Health allows you to do/take more damage). For the Raid Boss, Defense adds to the Party's overall Health.
No one knows the exact formula but health seems to be the most useful as far as overall damage goes, not just in battles but also in raid bosses, normal bosses and GW. Higher health means more boss drops and damage and I believe the GW skills formula is a combo of defense/health maybe with some attack mixed in. Hope that helps!
pm one of the higher level players in game. maybe one of them will help you out. it's not a secret, it's just an algorithm.
How so? We will never divulge the calculation, but players are free to try and determine what it is on their own.
in pvp health effects your whip and sets tiers it seems on damage, so if you have 10k health you might see battles where tou give take 1200-2000 damage, where as you progress to 50k health you see 7000-8000 damage. as long as your opponent is near same health. in boss battles your health is THE biggest damage factor, yes you need attack and defense
In a battle, one's overall number of captains (real people plus hired clan), along with the health/attack/defense numbers, has a huge affect on battle outcome. Pirates with more armed captains (even if equipped with lesser att\def weapons/ships/mateys) will usually win.
we'll never be able to work it out we can experiment and may get close but the critical hit bonus will always taint the results
it's a random % each way...at least I'm sure i read that on here before somewhere *goes searching* Update: this is an old post from April 2012...
That one I know. Axe slap formula: Lowest of the 2 players max health/20= max slap to a opponent then roll of dice from 1 to max slap