On the raids specifically, I fully agree that the invention of them undermines the game. But.... Lets be real for a minute... Many of the top players had stopped leveling for the most part long before raids came along. I point to C as an example since he refers to me.
The days of 5000 attacks back-n-forth for a good portion of the top players had ceased long prior to the raids arrival. But.... even though the game was in decline already pre-raid bosses, I do agree that the addition of the raids undermines it even further.
To the Raids specifically, I'll be direct on why I think they were created: 1) Kano tried to start up a couple 'new' games a few yrs ago, both fell completely flat on their face right out the door. I would guess they went from visions of being the next "Zynga" and hiring more folks to "damn, those 2 new games flopped completely" and thus, cutbacks in staff, etc. 2) Kano saw a decline in the userbase of VC and the other 3 games over time, and a steady decline in revenue. 3) Kano invented raids for that large infusion of cash that GP purchases would generate short term, knowing the gain in the short term would be costly in the long term. They made a 'financial' decision, not a decision about what would actually be best for the long term health of the game. 4) I'd argue that Kano has 0 intention of removing the raid bosses.
So that's it. They are milking the cow for all it is worth, while they can. That is my opinion. Will I play the Raids personally with the above opinion I have of why they created it? Sure, because I love the weapon drops. And while I played the hell out of the first round thinking eventually they would add new cities, I now realize they aren't going to be adding new cities. (I'm guessing the person at Kano who used to develop cities is now "on extended assignment" elsewhere or something?) Thus, what is the point of leveling any more. Over time, I personally am playing alot less.
The game was much better years ago when battling to level was the main focus (I did most of my battling in Mob Wars, not here), but as long as I still personally enjoy it to a degree, I'll hang around. Granted, what is killing the game just as much if not more than Raids is the fact there apparently will never be a new city created. The day comes when all folks have 20,000 Arbalists. Talk about a realk game-killer. Nothing "new" in cities, or weaps? Death Knell in itself even without a Raid.
In the end, one can choose to get mad at the 100's of players who play raids... Or they can be mad at Kano for essentially putting a financial benefit decision (Raids = Milk milk milk till the cow runs dry) as priority 1. Being mad at the creation of the raids for financial reasons is fully justifiable for certain. And in conclusion again, I agree the addition of the raids is a bad thing, but in my opinion, Kano, for financial reasons, will not be removing them.
Last edited: Feb 25, 2015