getting listed by ppl 6000 levels higher

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by 1Terminator, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. 1Terminator

    1Terminator New Member

    Y is it that ppl 6000 level higher can list me when i cant list some one 100 levels lower than me i am only level 290 I have not attacked or punched them to give them a gap
    mama romero likes this.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I always thought unless you were level 300 you couldn't be listed by someone higher, unless you attacked them, Are you sure you have not either gone for a bounty ,or retaliated in anyway?
  3. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    You cannot be listed by anyone that high a level 1Terminator even on LCN! You are under the threshold of level 300. As soon as you hit level 300 anyone can list you.
    Unless you encountered a glitch if so contact support.
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    If you are a Syndicate that is in War Mode, the level 300 restriction is lifted as well.
  5. mama romero

    mama romero New Member

    the issue MAY be is that you are in a faction being targeted, or perhaps you may punched/att a friend of a friend. some slayers ar very dedicated to those they sqd with, & will not hesitate to attack you in retaliation. good luck!
    Kirsten likes this.

    JARVIN Active Member

    maybe, but the game will not allow you to list someone under level 300 unless you are in war mode or you open the door for a higher level to attack you
    Kirsten likes this.
  7. mama romero

    mama romero New Member

    this is where craftsmanship of the game is key. i suggest you add a lot more sqd, or find faction/allies. SOMEONE in that crew is sure to help, but remember-this is a fighting game. everyone, including high lvls,, even me, kill & get killed on a daily basis. i get ambushed, targeted, killed, listed, pk-ed. it's part of the game. you dont have to feel bad, look into the details of your kills/deaths, & check where you lost, and where you can improve. i started YEARS ago, and today i am much stronger than those who got kills on me ad nauseum in the early days. i have enough power to straight out kill them, dont' need a hitlist, or even a boost-i just outright kill them now using attacks only. matter of fact, i think they may have even 'reported' me, which is amusing to see how the tables have turned.

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