Names drop a raid boss Wilder

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Sour_Rubbish, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    The names of сommon and superior drop there is an error in the form of lack of capital letters

    Attached Files:

  2. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member


    Attached Files:

  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I'll get a developer to correct the typos, thanks for the notice! :)
  4. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    that's what's missing

    Attached Files:

  5. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    Why are the pics named in Russian? Is that a glitch or are they your pics named by you? I'm slightly confused... :confused:
  6. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    I'm really Russian.
    mama romero and Smack like this.
  7. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    That explains it then. So they are your pics, named by you? It makes sense, of course people use their mother tongue in private, not English! :)
    Sour_Rubbish likes this.

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