This is just a minor idea, nothing big or difficult to execute: How about if you put a counter to craft screen that shows the amount of that item crafted?
Id really like a display that shows the effect of crafting. IE Current Strength - Strength after Craft. I cant be the only one who has crafted stuff only to make myself weaker.
Making the Blacksmith more user friendly would for sure be a huge benefit...there is so much back and forth between 2 tabs to see if the item is used and finding it in the list of what we own.....then back to the smithy....i would welcome almost any upgrade in this area...
all of these are good ideas. and they have been mentioned before. funny how nothing has really been done with crafting in months, if not longer, other than adding new items.
You can go into the game itself and look at items and see the strength and defense of the items when your removing them from your inventory. And see how it improves your character. In pirate clan it would be clicking on clan inventory and then take your cursor and highlight over the remove box or favor point box if purchasing and it will tell you how much improves the stats of the item. And as far as crafting goes. It will still show you what items you have been using in the game and how many def and attack being used same way it has the quantity of those items in the drop box with what attack and defense strength it will show you. Only remove those said items and craft if you don't need them anymore. Many players know this method but still some don't know it. Elite and Legendary items screw people over the quickest because they take 20 items to craft one usually
Craft 1 item and look at your fight strengths on your profile page and see if that item is in use when you craft it, if not, don't craft anymore of that item and waste your virtual currency. if you do use that item, then go all out.
When you go the Workshop, Blacksmiths there is a tab to click 'ALL ITEMS' ie weapons, armour, vehicles or whatever you craft in your said game. There is also a 4th choice Reverse blueprints (or there is on Lcn).