That would bring everything to a virtual halt. Everyone and their mother jumps on publicly posted bosses as soon as they are posted. People would be deluged with requests. And sifting through all of them you would of course just let on the people you know meaning others would be out of luck. To take care of the "placeholder" issue maybe KANO should set a min. bar you have to reach to stay on a boss so you just can't hit it a few times and then rush off to get on other bosses. What happens is these people go on so many bosses that they can't find their way back to all of them and thus don't get the minimum in and are just dead weight in a spot. KANO should also consider have a "complete" tagline on bosses like they do with regular ones in your feed.
Make 'em walk the plank? I love the ditch the sloth idea. However, I have seen some people wait a day or so then go all out...
1 thing I suggest is a 10 raid limit at any given time, I know it sucks for the raid hoarders, but a new wave of things going is at the beginning jump in all you can you never know which one will get beat so people take these spots then they wait and see which one starts going down and jump on it, the idea of approval before slot is filled total awesome solve alot of issues with who you have in the raid. This is also causing a hard time for some to join raids all the slots for them is full.
Maybe , about the 10 limit, but not sure, but it would force people to do the right thing on the bosses they are on, but what if an owner is gonna take the full 3 days to take their boss down,then that is one less boss someone can join when a new one comes along or they get an invite,we all have more than 10 clan and or friends, I have been invited by and also invited non clan.
Yes but for me the top tier was filling so quick there wasnt spots left and the same people where in the all, as these things improve more and more are starting to play and spend alot this will make sure everyone gets a chance and a fair share. Just saying im looking down the road is all they are improving these events and tweaking to our liking so in turn alot more will start playing them, but I did notice in PC they have a group not just one person screwing up the raids I went to work today and i havent sent link out in a while came back and these was level 14000 and 20000 something like that, lets say they know better but they both killed my raid 2 time each back to back simple means they went in and attack for xp and that was it after i spent the better 2 days tearing it down to under half way I do agree if you can see a pattern with these players they should be banned from a raid period we post in the world chat to help others not for them to just come in and destroy cause they can so these are communities event for making people come together and you got butts like this come in and ruin it I feel the whole team should not get punish and when they kill the raid they are the ones that suffer cause now you got people doing it for no reason and for me I am not a regular player in pc, but I do love the raids and I dont know people out there to send personelly which sucks so I was screwed it ruined my raid and now its a turnoff for me to even try to play PC if this is how those events turn out. Please kano change the kill effect to the one that does it and not the whole team and i think now if you do it 1 time you can not attack again PERIOD. We all know better now and just joining to kill the raid is being a very bad word i dont wanna say.
Yeah that sucked what happened to you. KANO needs a "one and done" approach with this. You kill the raid, either by accident or design and your off and out of rewards. You should not get two shots.
Punctuation...a few commas, at least. I agree, a one and done type of deal to boot players over a certain level. That might even help Kano find some alts...
people have made accounts just to come on and ruin raids... i seen it several times since raids began! it is very sad to watch! and the entire team of people lose tons when someone does this! how is that fair? if raids are here to stay then some thing needs to be done to counter act these idiots who go around killing raids on purpose! i did see less people joining as well! i myself only did 11 when i usually do 25 to 30! it was not worth it this go around.. i spent way less this time and will stop doing them all together if things are not changed for the better!
No, people should just use their brains and hand pick people who will do their fair share If not more.
sad part is i saw top players killing parties just to be azzes, keep your Raids private and pick carefully... shouldn't have to be like that but it is....
yes seth but i know a few that have pick up old account's to play this and maybe get back in it, it suck's for them they used the world chat but in this case I did nothing to them, they did it cause someone that was in my raid, it was there group that did something to them so they came in my raid and killed it because of someone who was helping me I had nothing to do with any of it.
sorry lobster man but i gotta give this a no vote and a one just have to pick and choose who you invite...i dont even fill all my spots up...there are certain people i know i can trust and they get the links, noone else and if the boss doesnt get killed then so be it. id rather see the group fail as a whole then see it ruined by an Ahole
Next season of raids on LCN, give me a yell or make sure i'm in it, you know i eat if i got the fp's available. You only need 4 maybe 5 to eat a raid and you know who those are just from our chat.
I'd prefer to be on a raid where the participants work towards killing the boss quickly; rather than be on a raid where the pirates aren't "pulling their weight", but just taking up space with lack of contribution. It is frustrating to see all of the precious energy & stamina that I've put forth towards a raid be wasted on a defeat.
I see people taking spots on bosses I have been invited to ,and doing that , happens way to often,been lucky so far with none running out of time, but a public one I am on looks like that is gonna happen,and that is what happens when LOW level opens one and depends on other ,but I still got levels .
Having found myself joining some raid bosses and only ever doing the first att to save a place, I can see why it happens and have a suggestion on how to overcome it, which will benefit both the players wanting to do more raids and Kano. As I see it, there are two reasons why it happens:- 1. With the limited spaces available especial at the top tier, it is best to get a place saved then work on the ones that will finish. ( this is what I find happening with me. ) The problem with that is, if too many join with the same mindset the boss is less likely to be finished. 2. There are a minority that join the raid boss to fill a space with the intension of just taking the spot with no intension of doing any more to it. My suggestion:- A player joining a raid has 24hr from the time they join to get at least the min actions require. At the end of the 24hr time period the owner has the option to kick that player from the raid and not allowed to rejoin it, unless the player gets the required minimum actions, at which point the option to kick is no longer available. Also if a player join and does not get the required actions on X ( say 5 ) number of raids, they can not join any more raids for the rest of that raid boss event, with some concessions. ( this may require more thought as a player that is doing a lot of raids may inadvertently miss a few and players just wanting to take up spots could work around any concessions ) It could be that an auto pm is sent after 12 hrs, as a reminder that the player has not achieved minimum actions. With a link to the boss; and a concession given for achieving at least minimum actions on X number of raids; Or possible better X amount of action in total, as player wishing to just steal spot with no intension for doing any more could just do the min on the required number of raid bosses then waste spots there after; Or If a player get kicked from X amount of raid bosses. The reason this will be beneficial for Kano and many players that want to get as much action as possible in the event :- More raid bosses will be complete as early on they will start to show promise of getting completed, so it is more likely that players will put the effort into finishing them. This will also allowing the owners to start more raid bosses before the event finishes. PS I did not vote as although I believe something need to be done, the suggestion will potentially, significantly reduce the number of raids being completed due to the time it could take to get accepted.