[VC] Battle Arena - The Road Ahead

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    nah all out time for reading and sleep. but 563 ha, lol well no wonder you do so well in the arenas, glad ya finally liked my sense of humor, ya a tuff nut to crack :D
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    You can read anything into it all you want and assume you know why or what I mean, alrighty then :rolleyes:
    I don't like your idea, and I was trying not to be negative, but ya won't let it go ,so NO way on your idea , just cause I don't like it much, but good luck :)
  3. ben

    ben Active Member

    sorry i am always stick up for whats right :p
    George Burd likes this.
  4. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    this thread should be locked down. there is no point in anyone that has not played in a VC arena where the changes have actually taken place to post anything here. who cares about the arenas on PC? none of these changes have taken effect anywhere except on VC. so if you don't play the arenas in VC... STFU here and start another thread for YOUR game.
  5. ben

    ben Active Member

    dah i did play the first one ... where have you been ...just brought up how it effects the other games by the changes that were made on vc ba ...
    George Burd likes this.
  6. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    Battle Arena
    Total Attacks:108543Top 5% Finishes:11
    Total Kills:81Top 10% Finishes:19
    Top 20% Finishes:24
    I am aloud to comment vc arena stats
    ben likes this.
  7. ben

    ben Active Member

    Total Attacks:359466Top 5% Finishes:1
    Total Kills:457Top 10% Finishes:4
    Top 20% Finishes:26
    thats on kp2 vc ba

    Battle Arena
    Total Attacks:1717760Top 5% Finishes:66
    Total Kills:2684Top 10% Finishes:67
    Top 20% Finishes:67
    thats kp2 pc ba
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    kevinmalo and George Burd like this.
  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    See the problem with that is most people play all the games or at the very least more than one, and 999% of the time one change in one game,will make it's way to the other games, So people do have concerns ,questions and Yes VC is the jump off point for these new tweaks to BA, but other games have also been in that position, including PC and LCN, where something new is tested or only in one game before it hits the others. Me, Personally I play all 4 ,But PC and VC are my main games.
  9. Birkebeiner

    Birkebeiner Active Member

    I probably should have qualified my statement a bit, I have not seen any well reasoned arguments against your suggestions. You gave some thoughts to issues arising from changes made to BA and came up with some suggestions - while those not in favor of your proposals just keep harping on about how they did not like the turtles winning (I previously pointed out that the winner of the last "old" arena won with 37k attacks or something like that, so hardly an inactive turtle). What we have now just lacks balance and anything left to chance.

    I have played every single arena so far and will keep offering up my body as a punching bag to those who want to spend their stamina that way - I do it for the small amount of XP I get and a few FPs I earn from placing. But, I just can't see the fun in placing well being 100% correlated to the amount of stamina spent - and that's the entirety of the BA event.

    So, I hope some changes are made to make BA more challenging and I wish Kano would respond to player suggestions and in general be more responsive. It would be great to post suggestions and actually end up with nice on topic discussions to ferret out "solutions".
    George Burd and kevinmalo like this.
  10. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    How many of those Viking arena stats are from AFTER October 2014, "ben"? As I said, if you have not actually participated in the arenas where the changes have actually been implemented, then you should be keeping your mouth shut. Start another thread if you want to spout off nonsense and stop cluttering up this one.
  11. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Really? Let me enable war mode for my armada now... oh, that's right, war mode was never implemented on Pirates. Also, it has been over 3 months since the arena changes have been implemented on Vikings. Exactly when are the changes going to be made to the other games?
    I will say that you are normally correct, Kirsten. But not all changes are always implemented across all games, or even platforms (no caging except in Pirates, lower attack limits in Zombies than the others, no Godfather bounties on Kong, etc.)
    George Burd likes this.
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I have heard that the rest of the arena changes are coming to the other games, not sure when,but I believe they are. I also never talk about war mode cause I am not interested in it in VC or LCN, and there was talk a few years back about it coming to PC but very few wanted it, so instead now there is the wars( guild/armada/faction/syndicate. But I digress.
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I have never seen a turtle win that I can remember, and again the turtle thing is about participation and not hiding after 100 min attacks, with absolutely no intention of putting themselves on the line, yet ranking in the top ten or top 20 , winning I don't think so, it is really a very simple issue. It has nothing to do with Def mode, or their defense numbers,which are prob high, and mostly for the fact that they don't like fighting, period. whether it is in the reg game or the arena.
  14. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    There was one turtle win on server 2 vc, not one attack was made and he won but this was well before all the changes
    Kirsten likes this.
  15. Birkebeiner

    Birkebeiner Active Member

    Perhaps George Burd's suggestions are good - it looks to me like he's suggesting a way to bring the turtles into BA again. The more people feel like putting "....themselves on the line...", the more fun we'll all have. I think we should figure out a way to bring in players who currently have issues with the time zones as well, it's a shame that anyone who in the "wrong" time zone feel that they're better off not putting "...themselves on the line..."

    So, we need to encourage people to play - simple as that. If more people play, then everyone will have more fun, the games will have more players and Kano will get more revenue. A win-win for players and Kano.

    Anything that alienates players is bad for the game. Getting some people to spend more, while others quit might seem like a zero-sum result, but it's not - it's a losing strategy. Why? Because over time people leave, and with time new players will be less and less likely to stay with the game because of the way the XP/rewards economics of VC work. The current version of BA is especially bad - it's rigged in such a way as to heavily reward current high level players and does not provide a chance for new players to profit from participating. We need a more balanced game so that we can all have fun and make sure that new players feel like staying with the game.

    Simply handing out all rewards to players with the most stamina destroys the game. The old version of BA had flaws, but the new version is fundamentally flawed!
    George Burd likes this.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    People with alot of stamina is only because they put the time and maybe money ( but not necessarily, I know quite a few who have spent nothing or next to nothing), so why would those who have alot of stamina be looked down on or thought of as having more advantage, it all depends on how they choose to allocate their skill points,and stamina being the blood and guts of the game, sorry about the font,clicked something by mistake and cannot figure out how to put it back to normal, anyway people can also buy stamina refils, again if some do why should it be a problem or an issue, for someone who can't , won't whatever the case may be. I also know here on FB ,being I play the 4 games, I get clan requests from new players daily, much more than those who threaten to quit at times for various reasons, sure some might not stay, and some leave cause of life changes, but either way if players are not interested in one feature or another, you cannot expect everyone to have the same goals or interests or even the time to become the game addicts alot of us are .:)
  17. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    i have played the current arena on vc, and im sorry but that is a true pay to rank thing , im totally against it, before you could do refills and still but ranking by the most attacks? that is not right. (yes i did refills to prove that)
    George Burd likes this.
  18. Birkebeiner

    Birkebeiner Active Member

    Kirsten, what you are saying makes a lot of sense. People should be rewarded for allocating points to stamina, but what I'm trying to say is that higher level players naturally have more stamina than lower level players and the way the game is set up now, all the rewards go to the high stamina builds. Over time, what you end up with is an "elite" able to grab all the rewards whenever they feel like it, and a group of players unable to imagine getting these rewards. New players join, no doubt about that, but do they stick around and feel like they're having fun when they can see that, with the help of the reward system, they learn that every day they're in the game they're further behind the elite?

    I realize I sound like I'm preaching social justice, or some other unfavorable philosophy, but what I'm really trying to say is that everyone is better off if everyone has a chance at being rewarded - and the new style BA offers newer players no chance, and increases the distance between the constant winners and the rest, which is not good for the game as a whole.
    George Burd and kevinmalo like this.
  19. ben

    ben Active Member

    why not just roll out the red carpet out and give all ya a free ride ... right let them earn there way over the years like others have ;)
    Kirsten likes this.
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yeah I gotta agree with ben on this, I understand both sides, but those who came before are always gonna be ahead, it is just the natural progression of just about everything in life. :)
    George Burd and Birkebeiner like this.
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