[VC] Battle Arena - The Road Ahead

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    go back to the old system and raise actions to 1000, demonik do I place any differently? no I used my def to get up to att and xp bonuses then did my killing. unfortunately the new point system means pay to win. the only competition is who can kill faster than zeus lol. I suggested in other posts to take different routes to the points but have always been met with resistance. I findit amusing everyone wants change to be rid of turtles, but if you suggest for a moment a fair balanced system, they cry foul
    kevinmalo likes this.
  2. ben

    ben Active Member

    there is high deff players that do play it and you also no that ... yes on vc you and i are built on att ... yes i was stuck in vc ba when these changes took place and i got 5 place the best i evr did on vc did i like hex no i didnt ... why 2 time i went back in i was knocked out of it ...waited un till the last day to get more kills just to get 5th ... did i enter any more after that no ...
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yeah and asking Kano to do something to take care of this issue, was answered, and I for one am grateful, looking forward to the point system in FB PC where it will be welcome by alot of us that play there, and the turtles be damned lol

    definition of a turtle regarding these games, Players who do NOT want to fight in the reg game, or the arena, and who will only do the min 100 attacks and click def mode in 5 mins or less. Cause they want to play a version of farmville in a PVP FIGHTING game. , so let them build their character that way, but they need to be active in the arena, and stop being afraid. With the raid bosses anyone can turn around their game , levels are easy to come by with the raids, it would not take much time at all, but I doubt most won't they have this idea that Kano's vision of a fighting game is not a reality.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    Old Salt likes this.
  4. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

  5. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    There are a lot of players pissed off about non-playing turtles hiding all Arena in defense and then collecting top rewards for doing nothing.
  6. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    You could have just as easily built defense like others did to do better in arena, not cry until daddy changes the rule of the game so you can win too, sorry for the sarcastic analogy but your attitude is insulting.
    kevinmalo, ben and Birkebeiner like this.
  7. ben

    ben Active Member

    so you say ... but what we seen here in forms where are them ??? hummmmmmm
    kevinmalo and George Burd like this.
  8. Birkebeiner

    Birkebeiner Active Member

    How many of the BA events did you play in since the new version came around? Some people seem to have had a good time with it, but quite a few haven't - what did you like about the new BA?
  9. Birkebeiner

    Birkebeiner Active Member

    I haven't seen any resistance to your suggestions, in fact, I haven't seen any responses at all to the points and suggestions you've made. This is a real shame, as you've spent a lot of time with the game and given some very good balanced suggestions, and there's not a single "on topic" response from Kano.
    George Burd likes this.
  10. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    Jared, Ben, and, Demonik I believe have shown some support to my suggestions, where as Kirsten and Old salt take the road of if changes were what they wanted to see then fine but they will not discuss otherwise
  11. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/arena-thoughts.14213/ give that post a read lol I hurt some feelings with my ideas
  12. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    If in truth the arena is to find the strongest, the most vicious of them all, then attack and defense perks would be mirror images and defensive stance is either eliminated or a "battle rage" mirror is instituted for att mirror of def stance. Also it should be last man /woman standing the devs just need to adjust the health bonuses on attack so that you are gaining health for attacking more not losing it continually
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I have played in the first one with the 3 day revival , I really like the no names and the 3 stam slider, is great, that one I did pretty well cause of the point system, but that is not my high level game , just mid level there, but the timing for most arena's are not good with my job, and I don't stay up late or get up early for arena's. But I did find it interesting, as each time I was revived, I got points , was definitely different. I missed the latest PC one, but should be able to play the next one, and hoping the point system is in there by then, anxious to see it and try it out again. So all in all I liked it, the latest version sounded good also, but alas I could not play, I always wait till the last min to join, to be sure I can actually participate :)
  14. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Hey Ben I have an idea how about they leave "dead space" game as it was and we just have the FB platform changed , would that suit you :p
  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Well convince kano then,but sorry cannot back you up on that idea, but keep them coming :)
  16. ben

    ben Active Member

    dont no of dead space platform maybe you can post the link kristen
  17. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    well your statement without a reason as to why this would not be fair and balanced tells me you are A: those who pay the most should win or B: not as balanced skill wise as you have previously stated
  18. ben

    ben Active Member

    and kp2 has 563 in world boss on pc ... but 131 in ba ... let that speak for it self ...got any more funny ones kristen ;)
    George Burd likes this.
  19. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    total vikings:358
    world boss
    Number of Participants:
    109 kong vc arena
    ben likes this.
  20. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    total pirates:358
    world boss
    121 pirates in last arena on kong yes 358 is correct on both bosses weird
    ben likes this.
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