[VC] Battle Arena - The Road Ahead

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I know you're talking about server 2 Pirates, ben. My point is that this thread is about VIKINGS and the arena changes that have taken place there. What changes to the arenas have taken place in Pirates? And if there are so few players participating in Vikings, how come you are not continually at the top of the heap there as you are in another game? As I said, this thread is about VIKINGS... if your comments here aren't based on your PERSONAL experience with the changes in the VIKINGS arena, this conversation is between A and B, so C your way out of it...
  2. ben

    ben Active Member

    im very a wear it a bout vc im pointing out what efecks its have on kp2 by these changes ... people bon pc also plays vc get the point now
  3. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    my only complaint is the recent changes in vc arena have basically nerfed def skills, the only reason for def skills before was the def mode time. I find it interesting that everyone dances around my question, why not with all these new changes make att and def mirror image perks?
  4. ben

    ben Active Member

    as i see it with the changes kano has it will favor the att perks for a better chance in ba for we no with these changes th deff perk now is out the window ... and we all no to when one builds a lot more deff to get a nice low perk the try to keep at a 3 ... witch is darn deff perk ...
    George Burd likes this.
  5. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I'll take that one, George. Of course, I love the defensive stance (I guess I don't have a good arena build). I don't see how changing that will really encourage participation myself. That being said, I was not in favor of the point system or the revival, either. I still rank about the same now as I did before any of the arena changes (including the slider), so none of the changes so far have negatively impacted me. If the goal of the changes was to encourage participation, I don't think that has worked. If the goal of the changes was to make things more competitive among participants, I think the jury is still out on that.
    Kirsten and George Burd like this.
  6. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    well with the input of points def stacne really doesnt do anything for you in arena, and those who spent 4000 levels building def now have to spend 8000 harder levels building attack to get a att perk worthwhile. But my def still serves me well in regular game and I enjoy it. I shouldnt have to change to do well in arena again, there in lies the truth if my def perk was a mirror of the attack perk I guarantee I wouldnt be cannon fodder like I am right now
  7. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Knowing what they are doing in Arena? The point is with turtles they don't have to know what they are doing in the Arena. All they have to do is get 100 hits in, hang around till someone starts to attack them then go into defense for five or six hours and outlast everyone else who is fighting or who have less defense times. And as far as I can see, a lot of these people built their characters heavy on defense anyway, long before the Arena showed up. That's why most were all ready to exploit something like this. It should have been obvious from the beginning that when your top twenty list is constantly littered with non-playing participants who were in hiding for most of the event something needed to be adjusted.
    Kirsten likes this.
  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Look you made a decision to build to build your game one way and IMO that is on you or anyone that used that logic ,now you want kano to fix the game so you do not have to ? The way I look at it is a more balanced build will hold up a lot better with any change or tweak kano makes
    Old Salt likes this.
  9. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    That's why you have to be careful when you build a character. If you're going to go heavy one way it's a gamble. It may work out or you may get screwed. But you can't expect others to fix it. Mirroring the att/def is just another way of asking KANO to give you more attack strength or have KANO fix your attack problem for you.
  10. ben

    ben Active Member

    i took all them out like i said you got to no what to do and let me add also they did not make there 100 att ... the last one only got 46 att in before i got them ...
    Kirsten likes this.
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Good. Lol. But how many people join arena's on your platform.
  12. ben

    ben Active Member

    i am not a balance build at all and i win ba in pc on kp2 ... hog wash a bout balance i dont no where you even come up with that one ...
    George Burd likes this.
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    It is my opinion that is where I come up with it, just my opinion I see what others do and how it does not work out well for them and am glad I try to stay
    somewhat balanced and it works for me

    I have to say you sure seem to think your way is the only way ,but there are many paths to enlightenment
  14. ben

    ben Active Member

    so your saying sorry bout there luck in the way the players built there selfs over the years for ba for d mode ... that is bad ... wow
  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes they made a choice no one twisted anyone's arm
  16. ben

    ben Active Member

    to me if one builds on att or one build deff for arena more power to them enemy or not ... like i said there was just a few that complain bout it on deff mode ... and riding the ladder up the ranks ... and now we lose a hex a lot more players out of arena ...;)
    George Burd likes this.
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    The issue for me is not def mode it is players who have no intention of fighting in a arena ,you keep missing that point, I have usually close to four hours myself but if I join I play
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  18. ben

    ben Active Member

    perk was set up by kano for how one wanted to build for arena ... so this is what they did to play it the way they want to so people built on deff ... so ya dont like that what they did over the years in building there selfs ... so just a few of ya complain bout it ... now this is what we have nore people quiting ba ...
  19. ben

    ben Active Member

    may i add in how one wanis to play it is there right to
  20. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    You really are missing the point here ben. The complaint isnt about the people that use the system put in place, although they are annoyingly frustrating at times lol, the complaint is about the system itself that allows people to take advantage of defense against stronger opponents attacking you in the arena. In my opinion defense is a waste of skill point allocation, completely useless in game other than to give your rivals that win better exp haha if people want to sit in dmode then they should have to earn it with activity. Everyone should have the possible amount theyve built up to have but you should have to earn it in the arena. You shouldnt be able to get 100 attacks and then sit there for hours and get better rewards than someone that clicked their ass off for hours. Thats just wrong and twisted
    Old Salt and Kirsten like this.
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