[VC] Battle Arena - The Road Ahead

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    times (vc only) were our guild came to fb chat to say hey who is going to play, are gone (no team play at all so dont point in that direction).
    new players, just have no idea of what to do in this system and get bored of everyone called Viking.. i get bored of everyone being called viking on arena plating it actively...
  2. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    turtles are not a problem, be better than them, or you are a bad player imo
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Has nothing to do with how I Play , and I don't even play in many and when I do , I do pretty good, it is the principle of the idea of the arena, and turtles make a joke of it. So Yes Turtles need to stop hiding for 5 hours and doing 100 min attacks and getting to rank, in the top 10 or top 20 give turtles their own list and no reward, give them a booby prize, but one way or another they need to Play the darn arena. Alot of us are waiting for the final tweaks to be done so when it comes to PC , the turtles will be a memory. :)
  4. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    i dont see it filled of turtles .... so stop sying that.. those persons have worked their strength and some are just not attacked and rank better.... system wasnt a problem...why cant you wait 5 hours to kill them?, do something else... anyway its only a few with that def
  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    A few? Who told you that lie? Too many for too long have done NOTHING and collected more than the ones that actually participated. Its not the wait that pisses us off, its people sitting in a BATTLE arena and not BATTLING and receiving high end rewards. Complete and utter BS. The revive is something NOONE asked for and hardly noone wants yet theyre forcing it on us even after all the negative feedback about it. Their argument is that people that join and die before they get a chance to play can now be able to.....well if thats the main reason they want to keep it then make it so that only an inactive player thats been killed may revive once and thats it,. Everyone being able to revive is just bringing all the alts out of the woodwork cause real players don't t want to be exp fodder for the every arena winner so they stay dead till sudden death starts
    bighoof and Old Salt like this.
  6. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    when you have 10 to 15 turtles ranking in the top 10 to top 20 especially in the FB PC arena, yeah it is a problem, while everyone else fights it out uses their resources, buy FP's and take a chance on getting killed while getting kills and then these cowards land in a spot that someone who actually worked their butts off, yeah that is a problem
    Old Salt likes this.
  7. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    i play for the xp and not the rank.... some others too, rewards out of top 3 are just not that great imo
  8. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Yeah there are turtles littering the top twenty. And they have not "worked their strength". The reason you guys can sit in defense for six hours is because there is such a wide gap between your attack and defensive stats. Getting tired as are a lot of other people of seeing players who do 100 hits and then hide and wind up taking top ten rewards because other players who were actually fighting were knocked out of the way for them.
    There doesn't need to be major changes to the Arena. There doesn't need to be a revival feature. When you get killed that's it. Stop trying to drag this thing out for as long as possible. Just force participation by all those who enter presumably to fight in something called a BATTLE ARENA. Not sit in defense after 100 hits.
    bighoof, kevinmalo and Kirsten like this.
  9. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    if kano changed it to 500 attack instead of 100.. wich is enough to take someone more than half health (and would encourage the kill) could have changed the turtles.. and the point is not to put a higher mark to be "active", remember that not everyone saves stamina, not everyone has loads of stamina and arena was meant for the last one, not the last one and the others under the last
    Kirsten likes this.
  10. kevinmalo

    kevinmalo Active Member

    also there is people that target the active ones so the cant play the rest of the arena...
    George Burd likes this.
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes we asked for the threshold to be alot higher , figuring they would be around longer and have to take a chance on being found, but it did not happen, although I feel 500 is not nearly enough of a threshold, and may be why kano did not go that route, but it was something we mentioned. The arena was actually designed with higher levels in mind, originally , since they had a small or non existant fight list, it has undergone small tweaks since its inception, the first arena's ya did not even have to do a thing to rank, then it was 100 min attacks and we watched players who choose not to even fight in the regular game, saying things like " this is not a fighting game," (well it is not Farmville either )and they then made the decision to be all defense, and kill the undead, valhallas , what have you in each game and become heavy defense player who do not want to fight at all anywhere, so if they do not want to fight in the regular game , then why should they be able to cake walk thru an arena? There is nothing wrong with def mode, everyone should use it at some point, when being attacked, or a time constraint but the turtles are not around long enough for that too happen, doing 100 min attacks and clicking def mode.
  12. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    KANO should change it to 5,000 or 10,000 hits to qualify for rewards at the end. That would ensure that people would actively have to participate and earn what they are getting at the end.
    bighoof and Kirsten like this.
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    well that is when def mode comes in handy, but believe me when I tell you the turtle players have no intention of being active, they are only in it to rank with the least amount of effort, and that is not cool, IMO
    Old Salt likes this.
  14. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    well yes and I think the point system addresses that in another way.
  15. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    I have said before and will so again, not all def players are turtles, I waited till last ten to maximize my gain for stamina used. my def got me to ten and I battled from there. I built based on the rules, the rules have changed to favor heavy attack players now. I think it would be more fair if the def mode was eliminated and att and def perks were just mirror images of each other.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Never said they were, but it is very easy to see who they are once the arena is over and ya they reveal themselves and you go to their game and see how they play , or how they don't play and those are the ones that are not doing anything more than the min and ranking in the top ten or 20 taking spots from people who busted their humps got lots of kills but ranked lower cause of players hiding out for 5 hours in def mode, after the first few min of the arena, I personally have no problem with def mode or having a good defense, but the rest is BS.
    Old Salt likes this.
  17. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    what do you think of my suggestion Kirsten, would a def boost equal mirror imaged of attack not be a fair trade and just rid the game of def mode? or at least greatly reduce def mode?
  18. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    HUH?? that does not compute, lol, anyway I am not into thinking this is any more complicated then just making sure anyone who ranks does at least do some attacking for more than five minutes .Like I said I have no problem with Def mode as it stands, and it is needed , just not as a strategy by those who have"" no"" intention of putting themselves on the line other than to hide after doing the min attacks, so in response, leaving Def mode as it is, is fine with me. Even if someone joins early and realizes they cannot make the start time or also whenever the tweaks are completed and revival becomes a feature ,in the other game arenas, Def mode is something they can use , and then come back when they can play and have some fun, but for me the biggest issue is about the ranking. How is it any fun I wonder to do 100 attacks and then click def mode, each and every arena, that just boggles my mind.
  19. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    I say never bring back the nicknames and keep the Viking. Cents that did let people work as teams. And the top players always decided on who would win. Dmode was good in the past, but not needed any more. In the old one, it did help me some times rank much better then I would have, but now just pointless. Unless they remove the revive. In some ways that would be good, if it was just for those that did not play yet. What I really think should change is the start of sudden death. Cents starting 8 hours after does not help many people. I would say change it to 10 hours, then more might be able to play, at least during once.
  20. ben

    ben Active Member

    last ba on kp2 pc i had all d mode killed in the matter of 3 hours and 25 min ;) so i say ya dont play it very good and wamt to cry a bout it come on get with your game and build ya selfs to ba and quit crying bout it ;) battle arena was better the way it was ... i already new back then when ya was crying a bout it what the changes do if kano made them ... and it has come true more and more people stop playing them and i can not blame them one bit for doing so ... for it took them years to build there game to the way they wanted for ba ;) i see it being a shame when a few people cry a bout it then kano makes these type of changes to ba just to keep them happy :( and now not really looking at the much larger number of people that dont likt it;) and also how ythe arenas are dropping in size :(
    kevinmalo and George Burd like this.
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