[VC] Battle Arena - The Road Ahead

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    I think most of the 'office" side of Kano as announced is not around. Mi7ch is checking in once in a while also as announced. "Keen" interest is I am sure welcome and this feedback I am sure is good to try to ratchet all around the various interests. My vote is always going to be for a fun fair event. My pref is always going to be to flatten the advantaged v. the disadvantaged, even reverse it for a "trial". The original arena was a beta ... for a very long time with a promise of variants. Well ... after a long while variants are happening and the coders are around to make it happen. I don't think a set format of any kind is going to "win" in a the long run. The old arena got stale. The new stuff is trying to find a happy medium between "levelivitus" => the 100,000's of attacks v. some saner level that say a mid level player could even "win" or at least have fun in. I vote fun. Period. And a bit of patience for those Kano employees at this time of year ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to everyone!
    Kirsten and JAMO2025 like this.
  2. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    The last arena was alot of fun. Seems to me that KANO is finally trying to find a good balance between 2 warring sides of their customers. It wasn't perfect, but was fun enough. Am looking forward to the next one coming up. Something I've not been able to say in a couple of months.
  3. Birkebeiner

    Birkebeiner Active Member

    I disagree with this part. I completely missed the first 8 hours of the last arena. (It was at 1AM for me, I wasn't getting up that early...) I then started playing the arena once I had woken up and was able to finish with a best-ever 3rd place. I looked at the final point totals and even if I had played my a$$et$ off in the first part of the arena too, it would have still been a 3rd place finish for me.

    My argument is basically you can completely ignore the first part of the arena (as I will be doing again this time because it starts within 1 hour of the NY ball drop), but then play 8 hours later when sudden death part begins and still have a superb finish.

    My basic argument for the folks who want to play the "old style" arena: Calculate 8 hours out from the start time, and come in for the sudden death part. Build health in the sudden death part, get alot of kills and points, and your finish place will be 'close' to where it would have been otherwise.

    --- There will be folks who complain no matter what Kano chooses to do, but I personally feel this current arena setup is the best of both worlds...[/QUOTE]
    My aim is to not complain, but offer feedback and the best ideas and criticisms I can come up with... I don't always succeed!
    Anyhow, I think the last BA formats haven't offered much in the way of uncertainty in terms of who would win or how they would win - so we've got "one way to win" and "one build to rule them all" - it's just not very exciting.
    Winning is great, everyone likes winning, but try winning by doing exactly the same thing repetitively... it gets old - then think about being on the other side of that equation - losing every time, or at least having zero chance of winning (not even a remote 0.000001% chance) - that gets old as well.
    There are different conditions/dynamics on the different servers - I play on the Kong/AG server.
    Grand Master Fielding likes this.
  4. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Birk, I'd agree with you 100%. This last arena was fun. And everyone who wanted to get in had the chance due to the 2 tiered effect. I find it rather comical that the person who won the last KANO Server 2 arena is complaining after he won. And after complaining that now only I (being the top ranked Viking) can win an arena. This just goes to show that anyone can win any given game at any given point in time.

    KANO did a good job here with this arena. I've been very tough on KANO recently. But when something gets done right - it should be pointed out too!
  5. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes Mitch said in the last TGIF ,kano was gonna be taking days off ,and that he would be checking in, and some would be checking in during this holiday season. I imagine on January 5 th things will normalize again. I had an issue in PC that I was not able to get around,for almost a week, but I noticed Smack & Mitch were in the forum ,yest ,so sent a ticket and made a post about it and crossed my fingers and Smack fixed the issue, and that was great.
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

    mi7ch was also on a nother thread and said he would take the problem to the dev ... so that kind of tell me they was on ...
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes some are on some are not. I imagine they either are taking turns keeping an eye on things, some even from home.
  8. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    I still prefer the old style of Arena , like it is now on LCN, its great, hope will stay like that
    kevinmalo likes this.
  9. I prefer the old knockout version as this one basically makes def mode completely irrelevant as you need too score all through and die hoping you have scored well enough to get some sort of reward. I worked very hard for years building my character and this has destroyed all that work in one fell swoop sadly, was never going too win it but top 15 was always nice reward for my work done!
    Birkebeiner and kevinmalo like this.
  10. ben

    ben Active Member

    i dont think kano took that in thought in how people has build for arena over the years ... to me they turn it into a momey maker for there selfs ... they just dont care in how vpeople think ;)
  11. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Andrew - agreed the original system was best.
    Birkebeiner and kevinmalo like this.
  12. 'David Ramos

    'David Ramos Active Member

    nb 60== made 123 levels with 80 Fp=== missed the sudden death portion, cause was
  13. 'David Ramos

    'David Ramos Active Member

    NEW YEARS EVE111 WHOMEVER plays on NEW Years Eve at 10 pm-- u deserve the tolken trophy wiaitfor it wait fr it a Vagina will scare you
  14. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    I like how this is now, cents more people have a chance to win. Unlike in the old one. The top stop were the same people and they decided which one would win. Because they talked it over with each other. And don't forget how people worked as teams to kill people off. The only change I would like to see is they don't have things taking place on holidays.
  15. James Wright

    James Wright Member

    Just for the record. I came 4th, I missed the sudden death phase as I have a wife, life and a desire to keep both. Had I played from 2am UK time I would have been in top 2 probably. No collusion on results, fair play to the person that won it. No pain, no gain, they put the time, effort and FP in so respect to them...............
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    If anyone chooses to build their account around " one" feature or one attribute of a character in the game, ya better be ready at any time for changes and developments that do not suit "one" build, having a more balanced character ,which the game allows for is a smarter direction to take.
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    The original arena has been tweaked a couple of times, already back near the beginning, so I have no problem with some needed changes now.
  18. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    this sucks. i wasn't able to get any kills when the arena started, but i wasn't worried about it because i knew i would be revived later. when i logged in 10 minutes after i was revived, i was already dead and out of the arena. the argument that the revival gives everyone a chance to participate is crap. now we have 2 events that work exactly the same way that give loads of xp to the highest levels at the expense of the other 90 percent of the players that try to make some sort of effort. i didn't like the arena before, but i don't like it now, either. maybe i'll just reconsider participating at all and just go back to putting bosses down and attacking the few players that are online in my level range each day.
    Birkebeiner and kevinmalo like this.
  19. ben

    ben Active Member

    point system fine ... but revival part take out and put it back to the way it was ...
    kevinmalo likes this.
  20. ben

    ben Active Member

    i have mine built to the game and arena on kp 2 pc game ... and it works out good for me and its not really a balance and i win arenas;)
    Kirsten likes this.
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