Please vote this idea up yea or nea so that Kano can take it into consideration (for all games since changes will more than likely be rolled out to all of them). I don't want to be autorevived so someone else can continue to get kill points off me over and over and boost their ranking higher while I can do nothing, that's the biggest problem I have. Maybe players can be autorevived only if they have not met an attack limit (say, 1000). Those are the players that most everyone here seems to have a problem with, so they deserve to be killed over and over since they're just hoping for a ranking for doing (practically) nothing.
This is what Mitch said the day of the announcement about auto revival after I expressed my feelings about auto revival so I imagine this is gonna fix the issue. "I've convinced the developers to investigate a toggle for revives, we'll likely have that in for the Battle Arena."
yea like in game play you cant att a 250 level but now you can in ba ... and we all no there just dead meat in ba ...
I saw that mi7ch said that he "convinced" the devs to "investigate". But to be honest with you, I'm not confident that anything will be done before the next arenas take place. That's why we need the player base to provide as much feedback on this as possible for them to take a look at on Monday.
the way i understood it you would be able to revive when and if you wanted for UN... did something change ???
I keep missing BA's and I'm usually dead by the time I remember to play. This might give me a chance to play.
thanks. but i don't see it on my arena profile page. i assume that i will when the arena starts and i log in for the first time so that i can turn it off if i wish?
I'm sure the toggle will be after 1st death as normal, if start time not in your schedule. Then if want to heal when log in and play arena, the toggle option will be available.
The Dev's need to make BA start time more noticeable, I as well have forgot many times with different stuff going on.