[All] Social Feed Boss Sort

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by AlterEgoT, Sep 25, 2014.


Social Feed Boss Sort

  1. Attack boss links only

  2. Separate sorts for Attack and collection of bosses

  3. Leave it alone, not worth the time

    0 vote(s)
  4. Leave it alone, I like that it takes 5 times the time to find an attackable boss

  5. Leave it alone we all use the job/raid tab in chat anyway

    0 vote(s)
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  1. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    As a rather simplistic request.

    I'd dearly love to see the boss sort into just the ones we can attack. I have heard some like the collections being shown but I find both the world boss help request and the collections frustrating. So perhaps a way to sort separately?

    Scrolling through pages of collections and World boss attack requests to find the few bosses you can attack can be time consuming and frustrating since you can't track your health. It's also a pain in the rear when you do find one and have to go back to the social feed and show more/next page until you get back to where you were to find it.

    Simple request but a world of ease for the slayer if implemented :)

    (sorry clunky sentence structure on this one :p)
    JADES and Lucky Lonnie like this.
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Agreed, this has been brought up before and the reasoning behind it was some people "collect from feed". I for one would find that rather difficult, not to mention most don't post collect. I still wonder why people even do it, get rid of the useless clutter. :p
  3. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    5 stars :)
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  4. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    Yeah I've heard that before as well around here. In my mind it's much more efficient to just go to your boss tab to collect. Especially since bosses don't last long since so few open them once they get huge so the attackable ones die in a hurry. So it would seem logical to streamline it so that folks are seeing things they can actually click without scrolling through pages and pages of stuff that died the second they were posted :p
  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Someone was being a smart arse I see, 1 vote on
    Leave it alone, I like that it takes 5 times the time to find an attackable boss
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  6. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    Say it ain't so! A smart arse around these parts? NEVER!

  7. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    the only case that collecting from the main page is helpful is if you have tons of bosses on your boss list and youve done a crap ton of damage to a boss with lots of health but couldn't kill it due to the limit and you need that bit of reward exp to level lol beyond those rare circumstances, its completely pointless...5 stars from me and attack links only
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  8. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    even then. Why not just go to your boss page and collect the ones that have the big ole fat collect button next to them :p

    But I am glad you agree :) The more that do the more likely this little change will be implemented thus making all our lives easier :D
  9. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I wonder what jerk did that? o_O
    I only collect off the boss page, but I also limit the amount of bosses that I'm in because of how the feeds and pages are currently set up. If you are in more than 20 of them and don't collect them all from top to bottom when you go to the boss page, you can miss out on some of the rewards.
  10. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    there are plenty of times ive hit a boss that someone has posted and done alot of damage but since its a newly posted boss it wont show up on my boss list right away, might not show up for a day...i hit ALOT of bosses and the collect page is setup like the rest of it, by order of the oldest but i never collect from the main page, thats why id much rather see attack links only
  11. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    odd. When I go to the boss page all the collects are at the top of the open ones. So I've never missed collecting for that reason.
  12. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    how many bosses do you hit on average per day? i can collect on 40+ bosses and my counter stays at 50...so id have to say i average around 100-200 boss helps a day and i know for a fact they all dont show up right away when theyre dead....normally, i dont give it a second thought but there are those rare occasions im on a leveling kick to reach a certain point and every little bit helps haha thats the only time ive ever had an issue with it and even that isnt enough for me to prefer to keep it the way it is...ive always wanted the boss feed to show ALL available bosses to hit. there have been plenty of times that there are no more to hit in the social feed and ill check a few diff peoples' profiles and find an active boss
  13. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    Not many these days but back when I played constantly I'd hit 200 easy. Part of the reason I don't hit as many is because I detest being at the bottom of the page the whole time looking for bosses. Opening in new tab helps some so I don't have to start over each time but this laptop doesn't like lots of pages open so that's not always an option either.

    Was no problem just left the page and came back. Was still way easier than going pages through in feed.

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