loyalty/character/legendary items update regularly.

Discussion in 'Ideas not being Considered' started by Eraser, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Reason being is LCN is harder to to level and the way the game is formed I know there are more active players in LCN Than the others but this isn't the place to have the discussion or debate ;)
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Ok , but seems to me, and I might be wrong, but it is run the same way as PC and VC, only ZS works differently and I also know that VC is prob the most active of the those three games, with PC and LCN about equal;)
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Thats an easy one, some games have way more active $ players than others, if u look at the header of your game page there is a tab that says the name of the game u are playing and which server u are on. If you hover your mouse over this tab it will drop down and tell you how many player are playing that particular game on each server (fb or kp). If i remember correctly Fb Zombies by far had the most with over 2 million. Thats in comparison to PC which had the least by far on both platforms with 750 k on FB and a woeful 250K on KP (less than half of any of the other games btw). Obviously these numbers are about as misleading as it gets. They probably reflect the number of accounts that have ever been formed since the games began, most of which most likely were deserted accounts within days if not hours. Still they probably reflect the ratio of players from one game to the next...u just have to eliminate a boat load of zeros....lol

    @ Kano.....are u guys required to post those statistics? Whats the reasoning behind this?
    Jess likes this.
  4. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    This is an interesting thread. I have played LCN, Vikings, and Pirates for about 3 years now. I would have to say that the number of active players in my level range has stayed about the same in LCN, is slightly less in Vikings, and drastically less in Pirates. Total number of active players notwithstanding, it seems to me that LCN is holding its own, Vikings could use a shot of adrenaline, and Pirates is nearly on life support. I have removed more inactive players in Pirates to collect bounties by far compared to LCN and Vikings. I would also say that it is hardest to level in LCN, even considering the XP jumps in Vikings (I think I've only hit one so far). It is also interesting to note that players cannot seem to duplicate their success across all games (for example, the highest level players--without naming names--in Pirates do not seem to have nearly as much success in the other games, for some reason).
    Krimson King likes this.
  5. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Jared , you play on myspace don't you, if you compare it to FB , it is a totally different animal, Still PC on Fb might have less players yet new people join all the time I notice if one plays one game they wind up playing all 4 here on FB. I also notice people, even if playing all the games, concentrate on one as their main game and put more time ,energy and ,money in that game .:)
    Krimson King likes this.
  6. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We're not required to post the numbers, they're representative of total installs and are meant to be informational more than anything else.
  7. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    LOL Polish, Slightly inflated wouldn't you say?

    KP server2 says over 500k playing, there isn't even 500.

    FB server2 says over 2million yet that's closer to 2k.

    But your right subtract the boat load of 0's and it might be correct.

    but off the hijack. Inflation around these parts is crazy. From Hitlist/bounty cost to items. 36 un, 250 un 1.7 tril. It's nuts.

    Especially when you figure the high levels don't have to buy items for outbreaks anymore but the littles still do. And considering that there is very few ways to get un anymore with offers and videos pretty much defunct.
  8. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    so, this has been under the "to be implemented" section for some time now....any idea on when?
  9. Kehvyn

    Kehvyn Member

    With the addition with the newest round of characters, it's only becoming more and more prevalent how bad of an overhaul the Loyalty Items section is in need at the moment. Is this going to be addressed any time soon? Are we going to just keep seeing more and more limited time items get pumped out, slowing getting stronger over time, while the loyalty items become buried for their lack of incentive to buy? I've almost 90K loyalty points saved up but I don't want to spend them yet because I've been waiting for over a year now for something to be done about these items. :/ I'm sure I can't be the only one either.
    Demonik1 and Jared like this.
  10. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    well i dont save mine cause im too impatient but im still waiting for the numbers to go up and i still think these "loyalty items" should be higher than any item we can purchase with fps....i thought they were doing a little better with the items that were released with the new characters but the limiteds are already damn close to the numbers so im calling that a fail....in viking clan the highest item with the new characters is 408 attack or defense and the highest limited available was for 395, not too big of a difference there and pretty disappointing
    Kehvyn likes this.
  11. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    It was my understanding that they were just going to bump the numbers on the items not create new ones, but I can't say I know that firsthand. Was through the grapevine. Might try a search and see if it comes up in an announcement.
    Kehvyn likes this.
  12. Kehvyn

    Kehvyn Member

    If they bump up the numbers too then that's fine. I just want SOMETHING to be done about this whole thing, not nothing.
  13. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Are you still bugging the devs about this mi7ch?
    Kano Moderator 2 likes this.
  14. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yep, they have a solution in the works.
    Kehvyn likes this.
  15. Kehvyn

    Kehvyn Member

  16. Could you shed a little light on this solution mi7ch??
    Jess likes this.
  17. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    When we're ready to talk a bit more about it, I'll provide more information.
    Kehvyn likes this.
  18. Jess

    Jess Active Member


    Take Your time, I guess...
  19. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Are we ready to talk a lil more lol
  20. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    Man you guys are no fun sometimes....id much rather see you post something that wo.t happen cause you all changed your mind or tweaked it a bit so we have something to bitch about....not like we dont have stuff already but hey, the more the merrier ;p

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