[KONG] 4k Energy

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by KuraiKiller, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. KuraiKiller

    KuraiKiller Member

    Hi Kano! So I noticed a little while ago that Kong/AG has the 4k Energy Achievement, however the help section still only shows a maximum of 3k energy replenished on level. Aside from wanting the achievement, or major UN spenders, there is no reason to go for this achievement.

    Will that server finally get their energy regeneration rates in-line with FB/MS? I think it's been well long enough, almost two years, and the server can handle it now. So many players are at 3k energy. I don't think there is a single player with 4k energy.

    The change might have been necessary at the start of the server, to curb power-leveling, but we can handle it now! (This does not apply to me, as I have 1200 energy at level 2515, and don't care for it)
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I'll have to confer with the devs on this one, I'll update as soon as I have an answer.
  3. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    It's like that with Stam everywhere.
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like we're going to be changing this for Kongregate or Armor at this time. I'll let you know if the developers change their minds, however!
  5. B48803

    B48803 New Member

    I don't get 836 energy restored when I level, why is that?
  6. KuraiKiller

    KuraiKiller Member

    Because the amount of energy refilled per level is broken out into tiers, so you can regenerate more as you reach certain levels. Check the "Help" area for a listing of what level is required for what amount of energy regeneration upon leveling up.
    Kirsten likes this.
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Everyone gets 500 energy refilled upon leveling assuming they are at that threshold, if you buy a refil you get the whole amount, if you your daily boost you get the whole amount but at each level up you get 500.
  8. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Unless you're close to your max, and then you don't get the full 500. I've been trying to time it for the raid bosses, but it's hard. I don't know how much energy I've lost leveling up too close to my max. :(
    Kirsten likes this.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yeah for got about that part, been a long time since I found out about that, years can't remember everything I have learned after all these years, too much info in my brain lol
  10. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    Same with stamina max is 1000 per level also hp is max 100k per level. :confused:
  11. Angela Brown

    Angela Brown Active Member

    i am still trying to get used to getting full energy and stam when i level! as it is not the same on all games! would be real nice to see this implemented on all games though!
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    only ZS do you get a full or almost fulll energy/stam,the other games it is 500 energy and 50 stamina,been that way since I started playing years ago,stamina is gold.
    Angela Brown likes this.
  13. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    • Level +1 => 1500 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +360 => 1800 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +475 => 2000 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +525 => 2250 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +655 => 2500 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +695 => 2750 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +755 => 3000 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +845 => 3500 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +955 => 4000 Max Energy Refill
    • Level +1100 => 4500 Max Energy Refill
    • Health: 100,000
    • Stamina: 1000
  14. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    oh my, I dont play zs, but if that were instituted in vc or pc, people could level into oblivion. kano could never keep up with new game features
  15. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    Why anyone would need 4k nrg in ZS, is beyond me...to each their own I guess lol.:eek:o_O
  16. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    There is a reason for that (achievements and easy leveling*) And now raid bosses

    *This have only effect for people that need 150k xp for leveling, if you need 200k you need to have also stamina. 500 at least for leveling. For people higher that 3000+ its useless almost. max 100k xp if you get lucky with 4k energy.

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