Axe Slap/Punch/Pistol Whip Button Placement on Fight/Battle Result Screen - Feedback Requested!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey folks,

    Last Friday the developers pushed out an update to the Fight/Battle result screen where once you put your target in the Hospital the option to Axe Slap/Punch/Pistol Whip them would appear. The placement of the button was not optimal for a number of players as it went right over where the Attack button is placed meaning that a lot of unintentional Slaps, Punches and Whips were occurring.

    Smack, the developer behind this change, took the feature down after some feedback came in, but he's ready for round two. Below is a new placement for the button the fight results screen using both the new interface and the old one. Tell us what you think about this updated placement!





    *yes the screenshots are specific to Viking Clan however the button placement will be the same across all the games.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Don't like it , when most attack , I doubt most are looking , just clicking, it needs to be away from the attack button, all this is doing is replacing the attack button, attacking is a fast action, we don't always want to kill someone with a slap,whip/ what have you , it can close a window on someone in a lower range and then cannot attack them , for one thing.
    Xtina, TabithaMoon, Ray Ford and 2 others like this.
  3. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    You would have to physically move your mouse down to click the punch button which should be enough to stop many mis-clicks. Alternately we can swap the position with the "Ask for Help" button if it appears.
    Xtina and mi7ch like this.
  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    when attacking or being attacked, fast and then keep putting health up to continue , then having to watch about misclicking , Meh, things happen very fast in these scenarios

    I may be missing something but Old looks like New , o_O
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2014
    ben likes this.
  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Sometimes you wouldn't have to physically move your mouse as the screen jumps sometimes. I'm assuming this is just a visual comment concept because it's not working on FB VC, I believe the button, if really wanted should be placed to the right side not underneath.
  6. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    I don't mind occasionally spending the extra stamina as a mistake of misclicking. Makes me more aware of the battle.
  7. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Agree with this. And the fight screen is always jumping all over the place, this is just asking for misclicks.
    Xtina, TabithaMoon and Kirsten like this.
  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I am not concerned with stamina I am concerned with killing someone way to soon , unless I want to, do not want a window closing till I am ready for it to. I like to toy with my food :cool:
    Xtina likes this.
  9. ben

    ben Active Member

    i don't think it belongs on the battle page at all ... i don't want to kill my rival till i'm ready to kill them ... yes it does jump on us at times ...
    TabithaMoon and Kirsten like this.
  10. Just a suggestion, what about instead of having the button suggested for this action.. have an axe, palm, fist appear over the other person's avatar after they've hit 'severely injured' status? Would make the action a bit more realistic as we would have to click over their face, *and it is away from the other actions.
  11. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Yup agreed, and would make it impossible to accidently click
  12. koo22

    koo22 Member

    I don't like it, and the Ask for Help button was problematic enough, I found myself clicking that accidentally a lot. I don't think any other buttons other than "Attack" should be in that placement. It's easy enough to click once to another window and do a slap or whip, by that time you're done attacking anyway. But leaving it alone will prevent unwanted slaps or whips, or unwanted requests for help, which can mess up your game.
  13. 'David Ramos

    'David Ramos Active Member

    I mean after you put someone in Hossy! I like to keep lower levels that are on my Rivals list to attack for 24 hrs- w/o killing till the very end- of my 24hrs= then I can slap kill ! I know sounds abusive, but that would teach those lower levels NOT to slap a higher level for friends- That being said- also when leveling with a M8 ya dont want to "accidentally" kill them with a miss click slap
    Xtina and Kirsten like this.
  14. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    This is not live in the games yet, the screenshots are from the development environment for the purpose of generating some discussion here.

    Off to the side might cause our UI/UX guys to want to literally slap me ;)
    TabithaMoon likes this.
  15. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I personally don't feel a need for this slap/whip/punch etc.,the button is not that far away as it is anyways. Thought KANO was against killing? or by now we'd have more achieves for doing so? Only way I see this, is for less deaths to occur by acciental slap
    TabithaMoon, ben and Kirsten like this.
  16. Blackmail

    Blackmail New Member

    you're just trying to start unintended rivalries and stir up trouble. same with the ask for help button. there is already a punch button but, you want to make it easy to hit on accident. i watched it happen to two people i like very much. one punched because of your bs and the other went on a listing spree all because you want to stir the pot. also, a lot of survival sprees got ended because you wanted to start trouble. you do things in this game designed to get players to do things by acciddnet like spending fp and doing things they would not chose to do. i know you make your money off rivalries and idiots that pay to win but, enough is enough!
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    well better you getting smacked Smack, than someone on our rival list we want to toy with, hard enough to find people to fight, without some weaker player answering a slap/whip/punch post , or trying for a bounty, Once they get killed before their 24 hours are up, they can no longer be attacked , Prolonging the agony, suits most of us :eek: Again I have not seen this asked for in the forum, had to come from that other "limited" participation group.
  18. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Leave it in 1st iteration Smack for the levelers ;) so it does occur LMFAO, just joking but is it really needed?
    Kirsten likes this.
  19. Blackmail

    Blackmail New Member

    i'd also like to add that if you thought it was such a good idea and didn't intend to start trouble, you would have put a news strory informing us of the roll out so we could be careful and have a chance to provide feed back. say what you want, i know your intentions are not pure.
  20. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    I'm not a fan of the "ask for help" tab where it is there will be 2 tabs we may NOT want to hit...and we will...the screen jumps , hitting to fast...etc...when attacking maybe you want to slap as well... a short scroll down is the profile of the viking we are attacking..with the "AXE SLAP "tab ,bounty...I dont want another tab on the battle screen..leave it as it is...and move the "ask for help" from the center too.....:rolleyes:
    TabithaMoon, JADES and Kirsten like this.

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