Not sure who made these changes, but got a couple tiffs about it.
I can't upgrade any of the 64/64 warriors here except the Elite Clerics or (Legend Time Keepers but at certain level of 8250) it's more beneficial to upgrade.. The order of the list is skewed for crafting. I don't mind it, as good with math but if going to fix arbitrarily swapping at least make it easiest for others as well on crafting. Anything elite should be at the bottom with same stats=(Elite time keepers), followed by anything that can elite=(Healer Clerics)
Here's another example a friend pointed out
She was making Elite Snake Eye Gem's and got confused of saying not to make yet, after the reorder of the list. The Hammer Shields, Soulcrier Staffs, Definately not Legendary Broadhew's upgradeable, or the Stalactite Blades. So In theory the order should have Snake Eye Gems at the very bottom of this list, correct?
Basically if able to Legend with same stat that should be farthest down own list, followed by able to Elite, then the rest of the drops..
Last edited: Jun 15, 2014