Because both the Battle Arena and Faction Wars are starting at the exact same time, it is forcing players to use the same loadout for both events. This is not ideal for many of my faction members who will use defensive gear in one, but not the other. Gear is a big factor in determining your defensive stance time for BA and heal amounts for FW, but not good to wear defensive gear if you plan on doing lots of fighting in BA. I am hoping some quick fix can solve this dilemma.
just sign up for one 15 minutes before using one loadout then sign up for the other using the other loadout.
for arena they are locked when you sign up and for fw i belive they continue to update even if you sign up early .they lock at the start of fw.
no hell there not locked at the start not when u join.. i switch around now to show u but i dont think ill make this ba so not show u with fw but im sure my faction wouldnt like that... lol
They lock when the event starts, not when you join the event. As of now, since they start at the same time, you will have the same loadout for both events.
Yep, both lock in when events start. I believe the confusion is due to the fact the BA use to lock in stats at the time of sign up, but has since been changed.
I really hope this can be fixed. Just start FW like 30 minutes later, problem solved. The chances of both events being on the same day and the exact same time is probably pretty low, but it happened. Surely they can modify the start time... It really will be messing up my healers for FW. They going to be sacrificing for the rest of the faction, and that's not fair.
I talked to Kurai a little bit about this on the Kongregate chat this morning, but just to let you guys know I've currently got a request in with the developers to see if we can move one of these events back. I'll make sure to keep you updated!
Hey folks, I just heard back from the developers and unfortunately we're not going to be able to change the start time for either events this go-around. On the up-side the frequency of both events syncing up like this is fairly rare, however I'll keep pressuring the developers to look into this the next time it happens.
Bleh, that sucks. Based on your current schedule, both events will occur on the same day on these dates: July 25'Th, 2014 October 17'Th, 2014 January 9'Th, 2015 April 3'Rd, 2015 June 26'Th, 2015 September 18'Th, 2015 December 11'Th, 2015 March 4'Th, 2016 May 27'Th, 2016 August 19'Th, 2016 November 11'Th, 2016 At least I think that's correct. BA every 12 days, FW every 14 days. So they meet up every 2.5-3 months. If the start times are random, there is a 6% chance of the BA and FW starting at the same time. I am hoping some controls get put in place before the next occurrence to prevent an identical start time, which really does screw some players over for one or the other event. Thanks!
I hope in the future they will avoid the same starting time, horrible lag, the game its unplayable....
Hey Kano.. guess what??? You have both ARENA & FACTION WARS starting at the same time... reset your servers or whatever the lag is awful
HAhahahaah, The Devs cant even make a fix for the daylight savings time bug. Which happens around the same time every year. The start time bugged, they where informed, and noted that they would get it fixed for the next year. guess what. The next daylight savings skipped the same cycle. Which is the 1 start time that favors the entire eastern hemishpere btw. I guess its not a big deal, some people had only been waiting 2 months for that start time, and had to wait another 2 months to get it again. so nearly 1/3 of the year does not get the late start time because of this bug, and they cannot be freeeking bothered to fix it. When it comes to start times on events. "Set it, and forget it" Thats kanos policy.
The developers came up with a solution for this one! Basically if an event ends and there's already a conflicting event scheduled for the next start date, the event that just ended has its next start time bumped up by an hour. You can read more about this here: