Are war tokens suppose to continue to accrue whether on the war page or or offline...logged in or logged out?
also, war tokens wont start to regen until you actually go to the guild war page when it first starts
They start reganing once it starts... I've gone in after a hour after it starts and thy were building up.
yes sometimes I forget it is on or can't play for sometime and when I finally do I have 300, actually I usually wait till they build to 300 before I use them as it is.
thats not true ben, ive seen people in our guild that have played but their tokens havent regened at all from the 200 we start with...on vc AND zs
I appreciate all the replies but it seems we have a lot of differing opinions/experiences. Hopefully kano will chime in and let us know definitively. I wonder if its the same for everyone or if there is either a glitch or if there isa certain criteria that needs to met to allow tokens to regenerate. Maybe the members page doesnt always correctly reflect token regeneration for all its members? Ive seen many members that always seem to have zero tokens. and I never see that they have regenerated any. It seems like most of these example are people that arent online and not heavily active in the wars. I realize these players could just come on, blast out there tokens and then leave but with a regeneration time of 2 minutes and 40 seconds one would think that these players stats would show some type of token count at some point over 4 days.
The tokens are supposed to start regenerating when the War starts; I've participated in a few Wars in different games/networks and I've never noticed a problem with Tokens not refilling. Tokens will continue accruing even if you've purchased or have been gifted a refill as well. I'll make the devs aware that we've got some conflicting reports of whether or not the Tokens are actually doing what they're supposed to.
I believe that this has something to do with the refresh of the war page. I have not noticed an issue with my tokens. But if I'm on the war page for more than 2:42, the token clock on the page stops at zero even though it is still counting down, and it has to be refreshed to get the accurate countdown and number of tokens. This is the same issue when viewing your members' stats on the war page. It seems that their actual token counts are only updated each time that they go to the war page to participate.
I jump around all over the place, blame my OCD so I am constantly opening new pages, so have never had a problem in 4 games on FB with tokens refilling to 300 on their own.
That definitely sounds strange, Larry. I would send a ticket to support, if you haven't already. There may be other players experiencing the same issue, but I haven't personally run into this since the wars started on the 3 games that I play.
Larry I misread your previous post..didnt realize you said yours didnt regenerate after logging out. Damn im back to square
With Polish on this one because i have noticed this issue in the past also. To me they don't seem to regenerate or start adding until you actually hit a guild armada syndicate faction whatever game it might be in pirate clan i have seen it three different times you start with the 200 or however the amount is when the war begins. I have jumped in a couple times after the war has started and still see mine waiting at the number it starts with not maxed to the 300 yet as i am assuming all games are set at 300 as the full amount. But once i do hit one it seems to finally start the process.
I'm not sure that that is entirely correct, Matthew. If players signed up and never went to the war page, then they would not have refreshed their token count, and it would look like they never had more than 200 when it would have regenerated to 300 within a few hours. I am almost certain that I have always had more than 200 tokens available to me because I can't be online at the exact start time, but I will check this Friday to see and post it here if I can figure out how to post a screenshot (and if I remember).
True Jared, but even if never went to war page, shouldn't it refresh over the 3-4 day period of which it lasts? These are not inactive accounts, they play. I'll check next war mode as well.
If u guys remember please not only check if your regenerating at the start of the wars but also if you are regenerating mid war ....but while you are logged completely out of the game. It would be greatly appreciated.