Attacks by out of range vikings

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Valerie Wood, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood New Member

    I am really getting tired of being attacked by out of range Vikings and then being unable to attack back. Why don't they immediately show up on my Out of Range Battle list??? I very seldom even SEE an Out of Range Battle list.

    If you are going to allow someone 300++ levels above me to arbitrarily attack me, there should be a mechanism where I at least have a shot at trying to battle back. If I'm attacked that way, they should appear IMMEDIATELY on my battle list. That's only halfway fair.
    peterbuilt and OLAF like this.
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Easy answer, you can't get attacked by "OUT OF RANGE VIKING" is how the game is set up. You wanna hit them? OK, work from your rival list.

    LOL 300+levels?, limits are set it's 10% your level that higher can not attack you, this sounds like another whaaaaaaaaaaa thread. :'(
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    If u are being attacked by out of range vikings then its not must have already have attacked them. You dont need a mechanism to be able to attack them u can hit them any time u like. I suggest u bounty trap them so u can find them when ever u wish
  4. Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood New Member

    And that is why I don't bother to ask questions on the forum. Useless answers and sarcasm.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
    peterbuilt likes this.
  5. Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood New Member

    Polishpimp - I do bounty trap them. What gets me is when it's someone I've never run across before.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  6. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    You should be able to easily retaliate by using the Battle -> Rival Clans. This will show you people who have attacked you recently.

    As to the root of this problem I believe it stems from the fact the a player's fight range is +/- 10% of their own level. So lets say you are level 1000 then anyone between lvl 900 and 1100 will be in range. Now lets say your attacker is level 1110, at +/- 10% their in range levels are 999 through 1121 which would just put you in range.

    This is not ideal as you have noticed but this is not a very common scenario. The reason you seldom see Out of Range players is because there are enough within your level range to fill out your Battle List. But as I said above you can always check your Rival Clans so see who has attacked you and take action from there.

    I hope this helps shed some light on the situation.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
    George Burd likes this.
  7. Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood New Member

    Thank you, Smack. I appreciate your taking the time to advise me.
  8. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Don't give up in here Valerie. Take the rough with the smooth as we are all a world wide variety of people of varying backgrounds, cultures, sex & age. If some one gives you sarcasm it says more about them than you. If they help you, again it reveals more about them than you. Some stuff in here is very good, some is rubbish, some is just plain funny. It talks all sorts. Above all - enjoy the game.
    Deblovscats1 and peterbuilt like this.
  9. 'David Ramos

    'David Ramos Active Member

    I totally understand Val!== "although out of range vikings?"- I remove from my FL--- I have been putting ALL points towards DEFENSE! for the last 500 levels!! just to I just made level 6200- NOW I have folks level 6800, 6900-- attacking me- seems the more I put towards DEf- the higher the level that attacks me--whats the sense of it?--- soon levels 1000 higher can attack?--
  10. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Straight from the "help page" LOL
  11. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you have the beginnings of a list of changes that you would like to see implemented here, all designed to keep people from attacking you. Better come to grips with the fact that this is a PVP based game and you will be attacked and if you are losing these attacks then you need to make yourself stronger. And this slapping fixation that the higher level has with you sounds to me like he may be cross-gaming you. Do you play any other KANO games? If you do then it's a good bet that this guy may be a lower level in that game that you roughed up in the past and he found you here. Whatever the case though he can slap you all he wants, just gotta keep an eye on your health so he doesn't kill ya all the time and hope that he grows bored, which he will eventually if his slaps don't produce results.
    peterbuilt likes this.
  12. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I chatted with "Yo mother" this is not a example of xross gaming, this guy is doing same crap he's whining about and simply returning the favor for some of his clan.
  13. peterbuilt

    peterbuilt New Member

    i have not touched anyone from his clan. I signed on a couple of minutes ago and someone else from his clan chained me. I HAD NOT TOUCHED ANYONE FROM HIS CLAN. That guy started this months ago. And i looked back to when it started, his clan member started this all. So you can believe him if you want which it seems like you do, because you began axe slapping me too and blocked me so I could have you talk to the person that could tell you about all this because the person he is talking about was in my clan for a minute then we had an argument and I kicked her off my clan. My then guild leader could tell you all about it. But believe what you will. xxxxxxxx IS A LIAR.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2015
    Lucifer likes this.
  14. Deblovscats1

    Deblovscats1 Active Member

  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    In the end it is just a game.
    peterbuilt likes this.
  16. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Well there is always that also. :cool:

    I was just trying to give a possible reason Peter (and it sounds like you know already) but like I said it really doesn't matter, he's doing it and in the end the guy can slap or bounty you all he wants. That's part of the game. A he said/he said argument isn't going to change it. Be vigilant about your health till this guy (and apparently now Jade :D) gets bored and if you are constantly slapping minnows then you'd better be prepared to have some of their higher friends return the favor.
    Word of advice: Don't engage in doing something if you couldn't put up with it yourself. ;)
    Kirsten likes this.
  17. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    The truth is, if you attack a person. That person might attack you back. But there are times the person might bounty you for attacking them. Or like it has happened in my guild, the person gets upset for being attacked and tells his/her guild. Then a big fight will start up. Some just don't like being attacked and won't talk it out. You just have to wait until they decide to end it. Even if it could take a week or months.
    peterbuilt and Kirsten like this.
  18. peterbuilt

    peterbuilt New Member

    I agree 100%. But I know why this started. It was not from slapping a "minnow" It was from Monica Manyaxe getting upset with me. One of her guys chained me. she was in my clan, I messaged her and asked her to let him finish it without the clan joining in since we were both about the same lvl. She told me that I should not expect her to choose between me and her guild members. WHICH I DIDNT, I just expected fair play, just as MANY other guild leaders have said was perfectly fine when I have messaged them in similar situations. Anyways she got upset and began chaining me and asked her entire clan to join in. I told my guild leader after a while and he spoke to monica. She stopped because he mentioned the FAIR PLAY expectation to her, but yo mother did not. He kept at it a couple WEEKS and I got frustrated. To date both YO MOTHER and KISSMYACE are axing and killing me with 5 axes a piece when im logged off and I log on and see i died. I went to the rivals page to see if I qualified for "protection" but it doesnt appear I do.
    As for the minnows, I agree. When smaller guys axe me, I axe back or put them in the hospital and FORGET ABOUT THEM unless the show up on my rivals with a new attack. Believe me, I understand what you guys are saying and appreciate the info, just dont like the cowardly play by the upper levels mentioned. It is just a game and yes there are always going to be JERKS who have weird definitions of fun. I just want to play the game fairly. And if you do not believe me when I tell you, there are at least a dozen guild leaders that I have messaged with incidents and they have all been agreeable to the fair play rule, just not these 2.
  19. peterbuilt

    peterbuilt New Member

    I also agree to the word of advice given. On a personal note, the rum isnt gone, its just hidden. Ill show you where.....
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Fairness is relative, in a fighting game, no one has broken any rules because there are no rules within the game,again bring personal drama and naming people here,is not gonna win ya any popularity contest, and or support. As long as players stay within the TOS of the game, it is fair play,IMO do not ask someone to lay off, it does not always work out well.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015

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