How about adding a favor point to the reward rotation? theres no way for people to abuse that with alts or anything else and its a modest reward as are the others in the rotation
nooooo, another reward in the loyalty rotation....we'd get like 1 fp a month...its not much but it would be cool to see something else in the loyalty fact, you can take out the gold boost and add the fp, haha
I guess where have a problem, I'd rather have gold, energy, stamina, 1 FP A MONTH isn't crap you know that. LOL
Voted it a 1 as I just dont see it making any real impact so why bother? Additionally .... I think we have enough free stuff that pretty much is a wash considering everyone gets it. On the other hand I would love to see more performance/ "actual" loyalty based benefits.
so...and im using my own rewards as an example and im almost level 8200...what impact would 600 energy have? 2 trill gold when my profit is 3 every 42 mins? you see what im gettin at? id rather have a fp every month than a 2 trill coin reward that doesnt amount to anything....i might be at 9 fps when it pops up and waiting for one so i can kill a boss or play longer in the arena....its not supposed to make a huge impact but its a better and more appreciated reward than a small amount of coin....i dont see how anyone could not want this lol does everyone hate fps now? haha i know one fp is a modest reward and thats exactly what the loyalty rewards have always been so why not at least add something to it that really shows their appreciation of our loyalty by giving us something thats a part of the lifeblood of the game? would i like more than that? fook yeah but i doubt it would ever happen and at least by only requesting one we have a better chance of getting it, at least in theory it sounds good
I dont see 1 Fp a month as being nearly as beneficial as any of the current loyalty rewards you mentioned. Currently its a tangible reward I can use at the moment I get it rather than the off chance im sitting at 9 fp and in desperate need of 1 more at the precise time its awarded each In addition....the current rewards are performance/dedication based....The more I put into a particular category the more im gonna get in return vs everyone gets the same thing regardless of what they do or dont do. 1 Fp goes a lot further for a level 100 than it does for a level 10k, that doesnt sit well with me. Now if we were talking about awarding a range of FP that rose exponentially with the XP needed to level then I would be more than willing to sign on because that would be fair regardless of how much impact it would have
Im interested in the statement " performance based, actual loyalty reward" what are we talking about here?
A reward or the amount of a reward being based on actually doing something/doing it well rather than the same reward for for everyone despite of how they do. As far as loyalty rewards ...basically the same thing, The same reward for a player that logs on once a month compared to a player plays everyday is pretty ridiculous as its not really rewarding loyalty
the game HAS to be the way it is, if they keep everything equal, the lowers would literally have next to no chance at all to ever gain on the higher ups....who would want to play a game they have no chance of competing in the higher they get when everyone else thats higher is getting stronger just as fast as they are? you think participation has dropped alot? it would drop alot quicker to pretty much the same old group of people leftover from myspace.....the way it is now, a dedicated player can rise quickly and thats great for competition which most mid to higher levels are lacking right now. and i dont care what your profit is, your loyalty reward wont be more than waht you can make in 40 mins by doing rather have a fp over that any day....and that really wasnt the point of this thread to begin with, just a quick first thought suggestion...what i would prefer is that the fp be added to the rotation...or even coupled with another reward...or maybe even all of them...yeah, that actually sounds cooler
I disagree with the notion that it has to be that way or that changing it would increase the number of players leaving. The MS fiasco aside numbers were dropping rapidly both before and after in both MS and FB, I would argue that in part its because of the inequity. There is a reasonable expectation that things will get more difficult as u climb in levels but theres is an equal expectation that one is going to get more as they overcome even more difficult challenges. Do you think as many people that have played would have even started had Kano advertised from the get go that the more u do the less u will get? I think their our 3 major reasons why the vast majority leave 1. Low levels. This one is pretty obvious and probably where most quit. Tons of people sign up for games but for one reason or another the decide the game is not for them... Im sure u will find this to be true in nearly every game ever made. its just the nature of things and should be expected. Unfortunately some games and their developers put to much emphasis on keeping these players after the fact a game is already successful and they run the risk of alienating their current player base. 2. The jump in XP needed to level at different level intervals. This took some time to actually rear its ugly head as the vast majority of players are much more casual players and it took much longer for these player to reach those levels. But needless to say its pretty damn disheartening to have played for so long only to find the XP needed doubles while all else remains the same 3. The big boys n girls that have dedicated so much to these games get to sit n watch while Kano makes things easier and cheaper for everyone else than what they had without any form of compensation or equity. Not only does the difficulty factor rise exponentially in nearly every aspect but the rewards actually tail off from what they once were. A simple but good example of this is in the achievement dept.. At the low to mid levels achievements are plentiful with short intervals in between. At the higher levels there is but a small fraction of the number of achievement to achieve and their intervals are ridiculous and in no way equitable to their lower level counterparts. A couple of examples...... 1. level achievements, now only 500 levels or so apart but factor in the XP needed to level at those levels and its not even close, especially when one considers all the freebies now available in the form of boosts and rewards. 2. Bounty achievements get few and far between, now couple that with bounty delays and the addition of God bounties. the list goes on and on...The fact is that the difficulty/expense increases dramatically but the rewards drop off significantly. In the end...other than a handful of players whats the point of continuing when there only becomes less? One only needs to look at the sharp drop off of the olde guard that has abandoned these games. In the end I think its all about fairness and goal intervals...its not enough anymore to just want to level up and pass someone so u can whoop their ass. Especially when the fighting aspect of these games have seemingly been put on the back burner. If most cases if people feel they are not being treated fairly or compensated accordingly they will cease and desist. If you're a long time customer of nearly any business and aside from any joining bonuses they decide to lower their regular prices or increase their benefits for all but their longest standing customer base....chances are your long standing customers are gonna feel slighted and go elswheres. Competition is great and in many cases lacking at the higher levels but its anything but fair to them to expedite the rise of some while the the others get nothing in return. Would I like it if I had more competition at my level? Sure but not at the expense of someone else having so much easier of a go of things . The higher levels made the choice to level way out in front of others and like anything else there is consequences to be paid. If they want more competition they can choose to slow down and let the competition catch up....the game should not do that for them....its insulting and as unfair as it gets. In regards to the original context of this thread (lol) I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree. Per your example my income is closing in on 40t every 40 minutes and I still find a monetary reward much more valuable than a single FP. as I stated earlier 1 fp will do a lot more for a lower level than it will for me which is completely inequitable and there is already plenty of that going Where as cash, stam and energy is based on what we have all done individually which is about as fair as it gets. If the number of FP was based on where we were at in the game then it would be a diff story. Perhaps a choice of rewards would be better but even with that the FP should still reflect where one stands in the game.
Well said , Polish on alot of counts, and I understand Demonik to a certain respect and I know one player ( new Player) in the forum who wants wants and wants more of everything and is barely playing 3 months if that, yet still wants , when everyone before had less to help them along , things get added all the time that alot never had, I liken it to my Job where people walking in off the streets, keep crying about a few things , we senior drivers have that we waited our turn till those things were earned,these games are so much like that, and those types of people make me cringe.
Linda, Do i know that player? It is game. it is not job. game will be interest, hard, but not very hard. Fantasy Tail tell on russian. Use Google translate to read waaghhhh
How would one determine if success with some using scripts? Rewarding cheaters or people for using leveling partners would not be a good thing.