I am thinking of selling all my properties and put the money into current location - is this a good idea or should Inot change a thing and just buy current properties
first off there is a limit to how much you can sell, but the more important thing is to never sell it,
Only time to sell properties if wanna quit, otherwise no. If even wanna quit, I'd still suggest not to either, you might wanna come back later in time and just need a break.
I'd be inclined to agree with this. I haven't sold any properties from the early locations, even though they don't earn much. I think the OP's question was about selling properties from early locations and buying them in the latest one, if that would be more beneficial.
you sell your property you become weak again and you wont get enough off them to bought higher properties to cover what you lost. just buy newer properties.
I don't think it would benefit him, he would not only lost the money and times pent on them but he could not buy enough of a higher property to cover the amount he would lose cuz he would not get the full price back on what he bought in the first place.
I konw that, but wouldn't the increase in income make it worth it? I don't have the courage to try it myself, so I just kept all of the properties I've purchased as I've played.
how would losing the income from a lot of lower levels equal out to a few of the higher properties? you would lose at least half the cost of the original property, plus the income your already getting from that property, plus the cost of buying a few properties from what money you got from the sale. I dont see any advantages to it myself. I rather keep the income and just add more to it with higher properties, that way the only money I would lose for awhile is the cost of the new property until the income from that new property replaces what was spent.
Actually, I don't think selling a bunch of early location properties will lower your list cost that much. But I'm not willing to take the chance to find out myself.
I do becuz I already tested it out when i first started buying property to check what was best to sell and keep. found out early I lost way to much more then I gained. but at least it was not as much to lose if I had waiting to get up in levels. first raid I got in I made the money back plus a lot more
Like everyone said here, never sell properties....ever....if you haven't already, there is a calculator that tells you what is the best property to buy that would take the less amount of turns to pay for itself On mine I went ahead and bought enough properties from East Tortuga to Davy Jones Locker, that it shows 50,000 turns to pay for itself, it takes forever to go through and buy 10,000 of the properties in east tortuga, but it'll save you so much time later on so you don't have to constantly switch between cities
its nice but the lower properties are an absolute nuisance, i have 29,990 of the villas that I went through and did at one so I wouldn't have to do them for a very long time lol
Same, put those low properties into deep red and hopefully never deal with them again, or uncheck the box for them if can't click on a click game. Mundane task yes, but ow well...
Just realized the OP posted in August, but I'm still going to chime in here. Please sell your properties as often as you can. You should sell everything once a new location opens, and put those funds into new rule. Thanks. #keepYourBountiesLow #staypoor #makemeimpossibletolist #dontevercatchup For real though... Is there really a debate here? Taking a hypothetical $100 & putting it into one place, then taking it out only to get $50 in return... NO! It is the return on investment or 'turns to pay for itself' on sal's calculator that you should be paying attention to, not the age of the location, price, quantity needed, shiny-ness, etc. Just follow these rules: 1. Use the calculator, never just buy something because it seems like a good idea 2. Make you buys by following the 'turns to pay for itself' aka 'your next purchase should be', or greenest colored properties unless, for example, you are pretty far along in the game and it takes 55,000 turns for East Tortuga properties and 55,000 turns for London properties to payoff. In this case just go ahead and get those older locations up to 60,000 or so to save yourself some time clicking. You want the first third of your rule slightly higher than your newer just to cut down on the back and forth purchases. 3. ALWAYS buy in lots of 10 (unless it is your first day) 4. NEVER sell, EVER (unless you've accidently bought one instead of ten) 5. If you're aware that a new location is about to open, hold onto your cash in order to make those new purchases. Until you catch them up to the other properties, the return on investment is more rewarding (ie you'll raise your income faster)
Agree with everything, except this. You already paid the price, deal with it and keep going..... Unless your OCD