Pop Star World Boss Question

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by The GrimShake, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. The GrimShake

    The GrimShake New Member

    I play the game on Facebook as the character Vixen Deth Kill, and I just recently took a good look at the Pop Star World Boss picture and something odd was in it.
    There is what seems to be an asian guy, I'm guessing a fan, what I don't understand is, why is he there, he isn't a zombie, like all the other people in the "audience". And why isn't he getting torn apart by all the other zombies?
    Any answer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.:)

    -TheGrimShake :confused:
  2. Jager

    Jager Member

    Wow, you are right. had to go back and look. It does appear the zombie behind him is reaching for him though. Maybe he is just such a rabid Justin Bieber lookalike fan that he is willing to risk being torn apart?
  3. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    Or maybe it's a joke about how JB fans are about as smart as zeds?:rolleyes:

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